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建议就是不要为了知识而知识,钻牛角尖。Advice is not for the knowledge of knowledge, into a dead end.

别太钻牛角尖,这只会成为你日后的羁绊。Don't be too single-minded. It will only serve to bind you later on.

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事实上你想做得更好意味着你已被卡住,钻牛角尖了。The fact that you want to do better with your time means you’re stuck as-is.

就像很多你在媒体上读到的东西一样,你不能对这个钻牛角尖。Like many things you read in the media, you probably can't take this too literally.

不要去钻牛角尖,换个角度思考问题,你会得到“柳暗花明又一村”的惊喜。Do not go over, change an angle to think, you will get" there is a way out. " surprise.

那的确是一段抑郁,容易偏执钻牛角尖的日子。Ongoing from that was a phase of a propensity for depression, for compulsion, for paranoia.

不要在自己的弱点上钻牛角尖,你就能认识到你的长处和优点。Instead of focusing on your weaknesses, you can better recognize your strengths and qualities.

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这周,花点时间开拓视野,这样你就不用陷入到钻牛角尖的境地。Take some time this week to get things into perspective so that you're not chasing your own tail.

曾有一段时间,我会对复杂的问题钻牛角尖,然后反问我自己我究竟陷进什么东西里去了?There was a time I would sit looking at a complex issue and wonder what the hell I got myself into.

过度消耗在自己的问题上忧伤,或是太过钻牛角尖,会形成一个恶性循环,对成长没有帮助。Being overly consumed with one's problems, sorrow, or growth, perpetuating a cycle of self-absorption.

不要在那个“时间”上钻牛角尖,而误解了圣人所说的真义。We shouldn't become attached to the details of time and place and misunderstand the true intent of the sages.

不会钻牛角尖过度悲观,能看到事物积极的一面。Does not overanalyze negative points, but instead looks for the positive points in the subject being analyzed.

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不要钻牛角尖。例如,某个时间发生的事情并不重要,就不要浪费时间把它弄清楚。Don't sidetrack. For example, if the time something happened isn't important, don't waste time getting it right.

与其在自己不满意的个人特征上钻牛角尖,不如把精力放到我们擅长的事情上。Instead of dwelling on personal characteristics we are not satisfied with, we ought to focus more on what we are good at.

不要逢事就是喜欢钻牛角尖,让自己背负着沉重的思想包袱,把事情考虑得太周全,这就造成了我们活的累。Not every thing is like volume, let oneself bear a heavy burden, the thought that consider too seriously, it will cause us to live.

婴儿必须看起来更加完美,他们皮肤上不能有褶,这个观点展现出了对一个特定理想状态的钻牛角尖。The idea that babies must look more perfect – that they can't have creases in their skin – shows the obsession with a particular ideal.

在软件开发中,钻牛角尖是一项非常有趣的消遣,如果我不对此进行报告,那么本专栏本身就不真实。Chasing dead ends is a favorite pastime in software development and the column would not be true to itself if I failed to report on those.

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俺不知道思考这些东西到底是为了什么,想这些莫名其妙的东西,占用我时间,浪费我精力,且让人心神不宁,钻牛角尖,更困难的是所思问题很难有正解。I had no idea why do I have to think about all these stuff. The time spent on inverstigating myself is the time wasted and my consciousness is disturbed.

在对关键字进行研究的初始阶段,很容易步入以下两种误区——仅仅了解皮毛或是死钻牛角尖而浪费了时间。In this initial process of keyword research, it can be easy to go one of two ways—just barely scratching the surface or going overboard and wasting time.

忧虑和烦闷千万不要闷在心里,独自一人悔恨、痛心、钻牛角尖,应该尽量坦率地讲出来。Worry and be worried must not be frowzily in the heart, alone compunction, distressed, get into a dead end, should tell bluntly as far as possible come out.