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瑟曦开始攀爬。Cersei began to climb.

更加经济性的攀爬。Climb with more economy.

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攀缘植物怎样向上攀爬?How do climbing plants climb?

严禁攀爬八咏楼石栏杆。No climbing on the stone railings.

我们从300英尺的悬崖攀爬而下。We rappelled down a 300-foot cliff.

我是个堕落者,从我的恐惧中向外攀爬。A fallen man, I climb out of my fear.

攀爬者从极高的中央坠落上去。The climber fell from a great height.

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这个绳索攀爬设施也粉好玩!This rope-climbing thingy is fun too!

接着,他们又开始向崖顶攀爬。Then, they began to climb the cliff top.

在石灰华和钟乳石上进行攀爬。Amazing climbing on tufas and stalagtites.

我们是在攀爬8c的抱石路线还是9a的?Are we climbing 8C boulders and 9a routes?

在游乐场时,我和孩子肆意攀爬跳跃。We climb and jump around in the playground.

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却不再徒劳蛥攀爬那根烂树桩。Me lusteth no longer rotten boughs to climb.

吴哥窟塔攀爬的台阶很陡。Angkor Wat Tower's stairs are steep to climb.

你一头栽入云雾之中不断向上攀爬。Climb in the back with your head in the clouds.

遇到障碍物,请绕行,不要攀爬或穿越障碍物。g. Go around obstacles, not over or through them.

但是这种行为削减了攀爬的艺术性。But that compromises the artistic side of climbing.

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我曾在这些楼梯上攀爬过上千次。I have climbed these steps a thousand times before.

他冒险不系安全带去攀爬峭壁。He chanced climbing the cliff without a safety belt.

为了攀爬容易,常常会穿着雪鞋。They often wear snowshoes to make the ascent easier.