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为了以防万一我们还买了咸盐饼干。We bought salt ines by the case.

带上一个急救箱吧,以防万一。Bring a first aid kit just in case.

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手电筒或头灯,以防万一。Flashlight or headlamp, just in case

以防万一我还是把麦克风调低点吧Just in case I'll move my mike a bit lower.

出门旅游少带点现金,以防万一。Take less cash when traveling, just in case.

但是她一直过量地喂着她的猫,以防万一。But she kept overfeeding her cat just in case.

先别理红色细绳,那是以防万一。Ignore that red string, that is just a safety.

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你可以买旅游者健康保险,以防万一。Buy travellers' health insur'ance just in case.

是我的逃生路线,以防万一-什么万一?And it's my escape route in case. -ln case what?

甚至戒指都绑上了绳子,以防万一。Even the ring was attached to a rope, just in case.

我把所有的钱都锁在保险箱里以防万一。I took the precaution of locking money in the safe.

以防万一运送标志不应该被印错吗。In no case should the shipping marks be misprinted.

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天气晴朗,但我还是带了一把伞以防万一。It is fine, but I carried an umbrella just in case.

病房里有一个氧气瓶,以防万一。There is an oxygen cylinder in the sickroom in case.

以防万一,将它们储存在密闭冷藏袋吧。As a precaution, put them in an airtight freezer bag.

作为主人的你一定要在有小孩的地方监督狗狗以防万一。You have to supervise any dog arround small children.

这些额外的木楔是以防万一的。These were extra wedges in case they should be needed.

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每年我都要排练一下我自己的小节目,以防万一。Every year, I rehearse my own little act, just in case.

考虑买一个口罩以防万一你用得着Consider buying a mask in case you need it in the future

我把一切东西都锁在保险箱里以防万一。I took the precaution of locking everything in the safe.