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她窃笑他干的蠢事。She snickered at his folly.

谁干的这种蠢事Who perpetrated this farce?

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蠢事后悔已极。He bitterly repented his folly.

你做了那么多蠢事还不够啊?Of all the dipshit things to do.

他们总是做蠢事。They're always playing the fool.

可我不能相信这件蠢事!But I'll not believe this idiocy!

所以你们昏了头,一时糊涂做出了蠢事。So you got confused, made a bad call.

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如果我做了蠢事,那是因为我那天不在状态。I do something stupid, it's an off day.

别再干蠢事了,你会伤害自己的!Stop buggering about, you might hurt yourself!

午餐时,人们尽议论一些政府做的蠢事。The talk over lunch was of government idiocies.

岂有此理,他竟干出了如此蠢事!It was an inconceivably stupid thing to have done.

又一次,塔伦特干的蠢事变成了卡拉顿的大麻烦!Once again, Tarant's folly becomes Caladon's problem!

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你做了一些蠢事,那是因为你是一个蠢人。You do something stupid, that's--you're a stupid person.

由于社交方面的野心,他做出了无法补救的蠢事。He was betrayed by social ambitions into irreparable folly.

我们认为试图孤立俄罗斯是一件蠢事。We believe that it would be folly to try to isolate Russia.

你可没必要听信任何他们支持的蠢事。You don't have to swallow every dumbass thing they espouse.

情人节令男人做蠢事,例如微弱的烛光之类。It makes men do stupid things, like light candles and stuff.

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谁干的这等蠢事?把这么大的一块石头放到了路当中。What fool put this big stone right in the center of the road?

爱情本是人干的蠢事,却又是上帝的智慧。Love is the folly of men and the wit of God. Adore each other.

“亲爱的菲顿纳多,”我说“我可能做了蠢事。"My dear Fortunato, " I said, "I'm afraid I have been very stupid.