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旅交会将于22日结束。The fair ends on Sunday.

高交会是指什么?What does CHTF stand for?

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一些人质疑证交会的时机选择。Some question the SEC’s timing.

我要参加旅交会。I want to attend the Tourism Fair.

博物馆在王子街与百老汇街的交会处。The museum is at Prince and Broadway.

桥附近三条路交会。The three roads join near the bridge.

你参加过深圳高交会吗?Have you ever attended SZ Hi-tech Fair?

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这是一个高级社交会。Everything shows this is high class party.

从那大海和月光漂洗的土地交会之地Where the sea meets the moon-blanched land

克茨是该听证会上唯一的证交会雇员。Kotz is the only SEC employee set to testify.

您对每年一度的旅交会有什么好的建议?Do you have any good suggestions for the CITM?

这两条马路在村子的正南方交会。The two roads cross just south of the village.

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有几条路在东门城交会?。How many roads meet around the Great East Gate?

这就是三维方向交会法的基本原理。This is the basic principle of 3D-Intersection.

高交会是海内外媒体关注的焦点。CHTF is the focus of domestic and foreign media.

但证交会和其它监管机构监督此举The SEC and other regulators have to watch for this.

而华交会正是这样一个很好的平台。East China Fair is a great platform in foreign trade.

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高交会为众多企业带来良好收益。CHTF has brought good benefits to numerous enterprises.

旅交会对于酒店集团的意义是什么?Can you tell us the significance of CITM for the Hotel?

.D.是指公司财务信息的完全披露,这是证交会的一项规定F.D. stands for full disclosure -this is a SEC regulation.