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好好休息,早日康复。Rest well.

希望妳能早日康复。I wish you get well soon.

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祝她早日康复!Hopefully she will recover.

祝你早日规复肥壮。I hope you'll be well soon.

望妈妈早日康复,爸爸身体健康。I love you, Dear Mom and Dad.

祝你早日痊愈。I wish you a speedy recovery.

请早日答复。Your early reply is requested.

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祝你早日康复。I hope you'll be yourself soon.

盼早日见到你,非常爱你的,休。See you soon, lots of luv , Sue.

我们希望他能早日康复。We hope he will get better soon.

澳门于1999年不谈政治说英语早日回归祖国怀抱祖国。Macao came back to China in 1999.

请早日示复为荷。An early reply will be appreciated.

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希望她们能早日实现自己的飞天梦。Wish them to realize flying dreams.

祝你早日恢复到顶尖状态!Wish you back in tip-top condition.

希望你早日康复。I hope you will be well pretty soon.

早日买房,世界大同,我也几想啊。Square big money, Please buy his CD.

这样可以帮助你早日康复.It will help you recover more quickly.

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我诚恳地盼望你早日康复。I sincerely hope you will soon recover.

愿一切众生早日成佛!May all beings attain Enlightenment soon!

在收款台。祝您早日康复。On the cash desk. Wish you get well soon.