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我有要紧事告诉她。And then I tell her.

诚实,真的很要紧么?Be honest -- does it really matter?

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我大声嚷道,我要你们最好的心理顾问,多贵都不要紧!I yelled, give me your best psychic!

这是唯一的考验,是很要紧的考验。But it is the only test that matters.

这就是特纳奖要紧的原因。This is why the Turner prize matters.

收网要快,收网要紧。Close the net fast, and close it tight.

我有点要紧的事跟他商量。I have sth. urgent to discuss with him.

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小孩得奶疮要紧不?。Does the child get mastitis to matter not?

没什么要紧事,谢谢您,再见。It’s nothing urgent. Thank you , good-bye.

什么是血管瘤?长在肝上要紧吗?What is hemangioma? Grow to matter on liver?

任何要紧成分为铁的金属。Any meting that is primarily composed of iron.

那件圣事是最要紧的?Which is the most necessary of the Sacraments?

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要紧的是,咱赶快看英英,她跌伤了没有?It is, I quickly see english-english, she hurt?

法官最要紧的是公正无私。Impartiality is absolutely essential to a judge.

要紧的是你终有一日会成功!It does matter that you will successed sometime!

顶顶要紧的是,你别去碰那些妖魔鬼怪的东西。And above all, don't you HANDLE the witch-things.

放眼世界,当前比这要紧的事儿多了去了。There are more pressing issues in the world today.

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在你生命中的每个阶段都十分要紧。It matters everywhere, at every stage of your life.

恐怕不行。我有要紧事告诉她。I'm afraid not.I have something important to tell her.

这个小发明家也被要紧地烫伤了。The young inventor wbritish petroleumostlyly scingded.