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红树叶,黄树叶,橙树叶和棕树叶。Red leaves, yellow leaves, orange and brown.

耶!红树叶,黄树叶,橙树叶和棕树叶。Yeah. Red leaves, yellow leaves, orange and brown.

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她是拉比多的妻子,在底波拉的棕树下听判断。She was the wife of Lapidoth and held court under the palm tree of Deborah.

他的头像精金,他的头发如棕树枝厚密,像乌鸦那么黑。His head is as the most fine gold , his locks are bushy , and black as a raven.

南地和棕树城耶利哥的平原,直到琐珥,都指给他看。the Negev and the whole region from the Valley of Jericho, the City of Palms, as far as Zoar.

飞到夏威夷。享受阳光、沙滩、棕树。品尝热带水果和鱼。Fly to Hawaii. enjoy the sun , the sandy beaches and the palm trees. taste the tropical fruit and fish.

棕树丝很是纯净,无致癌物,无杀虫剂污染,险些直接从软社团细胞中释放出来。The fibers are clean, non-carcinogenic, free from pesticides and almost free from soft parenchyma cells.

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上面刻着基路伯,棕树,和初开的花,都用金子贴了。These were ornamented with designs of winged ones and palm-trees and open flowers, plated over with gold.

大殿的墙都用松木板遮蔽,又贴了精金,上面雕刻棕树和链子。He paneled the main hall with pine and covered it with fine gold and decorated it with palm tree and chain designs.

金棕树可提供多种其它运动用品,如护具、球针、球网和拉力器等。Apalm can supply other sports goods such as protective appliance, ball needles, ball nets, xhest expander and so on.

上面刻着基路伯,棕树,和初开的花,都用金子贴了。He carved cherubim, palm trees and open flowers on them and overlaid them with gold hammered evenly over the carvings.

大殿的墙都用松木板遮蔽,又贴了精金,上面雕刻棕树和链子。And the greater house he cieled with fir tree, which he overlaid with fine gold, and set thereon palm trees and chains.

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内殿,外殿周围的墙上都刻着基路伯,棕树,和初开的花。On the walls all around the temple, in both the inner and outer rooms, he carved cherubim, palm trees and open flowers.

据认为,随着棕树蛇的引进,关岛密罗尼西亚翠鸟在野外灭绝。The Guam Micronesian kingfisher is thought to be extinct in the wild following the introduction of the brown tree snake.

保育人士表示,油棕树农园扩张加上森林砍伐,正威胁野生的红毛猩猩等动物。Activists say that the spread of oil palm plantations, along with logging, is threatening animals such as wild orangutans.

伊矶伦招聚亚扪人和亚玛力人,去攻打以色列人,占据棕树城。And he gathered unto him the children of Ammon and Amalek, and went and smote Israel, and possessed the city of palm trees.

伊矶伦招聚亚扪人和亚玛力人、去攻打以色列人、佔据棕树城。Getting the Ammonites and Amalekites to join him, Eglon came and attacked Israel, and they took possession of the City of Palms.

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里奥弗里奥洞口的水池影射出,来到伯利兹的芡茨棕树胶森林游客的剪影。A pool of water at the mouth of Rio Frio Cave reflects the greenery of Belize’s Chiquibul Forest and frames a visitor in silhouette.

在橄榄木做的两门扇上刻着基路伯、棕树,和初开的花,都贴上金子。On the olive-wood doors were cut designs of winged ones and palm-trees and open flowers, all of them, with the doors, plated with gold.

在橄榄木作的两门扇上刻着基路伯,棕树,和初开的花,都贴上金子。And on the two olive wood doors he carved cherubim, palm trees and open flowers, and overlaid the cherubim and palm trees with beaten gold.