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我会多带一些洋芋片。I'll bring more chips.

现在的我喜欢吃洋芋。Now I like eating potato.

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你有没有炸洋芋片可以吃?Do you have any chips to snack on?

吃洋芋片是很容易发胖的。Potato chips are really fattening.

听人说用新颖的洋芋片贴贴。Told that the pads with the new chips.

哇,明白啦,是洋芋花!Wow, is understood, is a potato flower!

我乾脆加买洋芋片一包去换免费火鸡一只。The limitation of a free turkey was 15 lb.

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他是在跟一大袋的洋芋片苦苦挣扎。He was in bed with a big bag of Chips Ahoy.

削一袋又一袋洋芋皮真是苦差使。Peeling bags of potatoes is really a chore.

你要不要来点我的洋芋片?Would you like to try some of my potato chips?

我乾脆加买洋芋片一包去换免费火鸡一只。Might as well, I grabbed a bag of chips for a free turkey.

我们还吃洋芋、玉米、胡萝卜和水果派或南瓜派。We have yams, com, carrots and fruit pies or pumpkin pies.

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我们还吃洋芋、玉米、胡萝卜和水果派或南瓜派。We have yams, corn, carrots and fruit pies or pumpkin pies.

你可以选择烤洋芋、薯条或炒饭。You have your choice of baked potato, French fries, or rice pilaf.

粮食作物主要以小麦、洋芋、蚕豆为主,兼播玉米。The main food crops to wheat, potato, broad bean mainly corn and sowing.

这里的大多数村民主要以吃洋芋、豆子和种在地势较高地区的一些其他的谷物为生。Most villagers rely on yams, beans and other crops grown on higher ground.

1906年,传教士张道惠夫人将洋芋引入石门坎。In 1906, missionary Pev and Mrs Harry Parsons brought potato into this area.

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您要配什么样的洋芋,是做成泥的、煮的还是烤的?。What kind of potatoes would you like to go with it, mashed, boiled or baked?

这是我们的菜单。今日特餐是零年式石斑鱼附水煮洋芋。Here is our menu. The special for today is Grouper Meaner with boiled potatoes.

在甘谷县街头,常见一个个卖油炸洋芋片的小摊。Gangu County in the streets, a common one of the stalls selling fried potato chips.