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随着地动山摇的一声巨响。With the booming sound which shakes the earth.

随着地动山摇的一声巨响With the tremendous sound of the shaking of the ground

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他率领的部队是如此豪壮,所到之处地动山摇。He leads an army so massive it shakes the ground with its march.

他们大得惊人,只是四处走动已弄得地动山摇!They’re so big, in fact, that just walking around causes the ground to shake!

物质是一切的基础,没有基础,地动山摇,因此物质基础要打牢。Without a solid foundation of that, there is no long-term and stable happiness.

当你听到大象的行进时的地动山摇和臼炮碾地声音的时候,土耳其人正在他们的征途上。When you hear the elephants stomping and the bombards popping the Turks are on their way.

一时间,地动山摇,在拉洛斯大军的脚下忽然出现了无数裂缝。The earth shook violently and tore open huge chasms beneath the feet of the Rallosian army.

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尽管微软-诺基亚宣布结盟只是迟早的事,但此消息一出,市场仍然有地动山摇之感。Everybody saw it coming but the Microsoft-Nokia announcement is still shaking the market today.

兄弟四人搏斗之时突然地动山摇,巨大的雪崩淹没了他们。When 4 people of brotherly fight, abruptly moves hill to shake, tremendous avalanche flooded them.

地动山摇之中,她们家的房子坍塌了,父亲不幸丧生在废墟之中,母亲至今下落不明。The house had fallen on their father, killing him, and their mother had been missing since the earthquake.

5月12日,北川县曲山镇59岁的张贵清正在干农活,突然地动山摇,田地裂开了口子。Zhang Guiqing, 59, was working on the farm when the earth shook and the field split under his feet on May 12.

也许让你愤怒要很大力气,但是一旦你发怒则地动山摇,人们四散逃窜。It may take a lot to push you over the edge, but when you get there, the earth shakes and people run for cover.

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一场突如其来的地动山摇,坍塌了四川汶川,也摇动了半个亚洲。A sudden the mountains shake the earth will quake, the collapse of a four-Chuan Wenchuan, shaking a half in Asia.

汶川大地震地动山摇,引发了大量的滑坡、崩塌、泥石流等地质灾害。The destructive Wenchuan Earthquake induced massive landslide, collapse, debris flow and other geological disasters.

丧钟甲虫免疫自身和其他丧钟甲虫引发的地动山摇效果,对此效果不需进行豁免检定。Knell beetles are immune to shake the earth generated by themselves or other knell beetles and never need to save against the effect.

越南民众对布什总统来访的欢迎热情丝毫不亚于2000年克林顿总统来访时所产生的地动山摇的效果。The president's welcome by the public was much less enthusiastic than the rock-star treatment afforded President Clinton when he came in 2000.

我和他如胶似漆、地动山摇了四个多月,可现在连对方的脸都不想看到——天哪,假如我们变成那种关系,那还不如死了算了。I had insanely passionate sex with him for four months and now we don't even talk anymore. God, I would die if something like that happened to us.

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尽管恩多土著的伊渥克很勇敢,但看到走起路来地动山摇、如雷声滚滚的哥拉克斯巨人时,最勇敢的武士有也难免心生恐惧。As brave as the native Ewoks of Endor are, the thundering ground-shaking presence of a Gorax giant is enough to frighten even the greatest warrior.

在经历了长途飞行后我们终于回来了。我们应该怎么做我们已经讨论了无数遍了!周六回到我们的主场,花园球场一定会地动山摇!!!Long flight back, so tons of discussion about what we gotta do! Heading back to our place on Saturday, so we know the Garden with be Rocking! ! ! ! !

在伦敦申办2012年奥运会成功后的第一天,这座都城因炸弹爆炸而地动山摇,52名火车和公交车乘客死亡,超过700人受伤。The day after London was awarded the 2012 Olympics, the capital was rocked by bomb blasts which killed 52 train and bus commuters, injuring more than 700.