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这是一只多么小巧可爱的手啊!What a jolly little hand it was!

兔足,小巧而整洁。Feet hare-footed, small and neat.

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她头戴一顶小巧别致的帽子。She is wearing a pert little hat.

安有着大眼睛,小巧的鼻子。Ann has big eyes and a small nose.

所有的帽子都可以让男人的脸看起来很小巧。All hats make a man look more dapper.

该九眼天珠珠身圆润,小巧可爱。The nine days round beads body, cute.

丝带飘动着,小巧的布鞋。Fluttering ribbons, small cloth shoes.

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我身体小巧,有两个薄薄的翅膀。My body is small and I have two thin wings.

结构文雅小巧,整机重量极轻。Structure elegant cabinet, the light weight.

这是马里奥武器库新增的一款小巧工具。It’s a neat gadget to add to Mario’s arsenal.

能说服中国人为小巧精致的汽车付钱吗?Can Chinese be persuaded to pay for bijou cars?

精致小巧之流行设计。The exquisite and exquisite prevalences design.

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该文介绍一种简单、可靠、小巧的转速传感器。In this paper a nwe kind of sensor is discussed.

鼻翼有点大能整出小巧的鼻子吗?Can nose ala rectify a cabinet nose greatly a bit?

我妹妹有一个小巧的软皮钱夹。My sister has a little purse made of soft leather.

从未想到他们的女人有傻笑的小巧的魅力。Never thought their women had giggly little charm.

它的花苞小巧莹白,却鲜少开放。Its flowers are small and white, but it rarely blooms.

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乌黑的秀发卷绕着埃伦小巧的、小精灵似的耳朵。Ellen\'s raven hair curling around her tiny, elfin ears.

小巧夹子,纯音悦耳,纽曼新款B25绚丽登场。Small clip , sweet tone , brilliant debut Newman new B25

该减速机具有小巧轻便的建设。The gearhead has a compact and lightweight construction.