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他偕同500人的警卫队一起登陆,签订条约。He landed with a guard of 500 men to sign the treaty.

有时上大课他会偕同几个干部到教室点名。Sometimes he would bring a few big class cadre to the classroom.

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索马里海盗接受了这笔交易,偕同53岁的菲利普一起上救生艇逃匿。The Somalis took the deal, absconding with the 53-year-old in a lifeboat.

面对这一切,我们可说什麽呢?若是天主偕同我们,谁能反对我们呢?What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who is against us?

赵丹阳可以偕同最多7名友人,和股神在纽约一间西餐厅共进午餐。Zhao and up to 7 friends will dine with Buffett at a steakhouse in New York City.

完成账目审计后,偕同所审计领域的管理人员,口头总结审计结果。Verbally review audit results with management of area audited at the completion of audit.

我们正偕同我们的伙伴加速这一进程,使开放管理成为现实。We are working with our partners to speed up this process and make Open Governance a reality.

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一月底,伊利亚·安德烈伊奇伯爵偕同娜塔莎、索尼娅抵达莫斯科。COUNT ILYA ANDREITCH ROSTOV arrived in Moscow towards the end of January with Natasha and Sonya.

冬之初,尼古拉·安德烈伊奇·博尔孔斯基偕同女儿来到莫斯科。AT THE BEGINNING of the winter Prince Nikolay Andreitch Bolkonsky and his daughter moved to Moscow.

后来,孔子偕同他的学生再次周游中国各地,向众人传播自己的哲学思想。Confucius would again travel throughout China, this time with his students, spreading his philosophy.

总理偕同政府各部官员参加了仪式。The prime minister took part in the ceremony, together with officials from each government department.

中标者可偕同其他最多七个人与巴菲特在纽约的史密斯与沃伦斯基牛排馆共进午餐。The winner and up to seven others will dine with Buffett at the Smith &Wollensky steakhouse in New York.

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六点钟,我的朋友偕同其妻,已坐在了开往纽约的地铁里,赶赴七点种的约会。At six, my friend and his wife were in the tunnel on their way into New York for a seven o'clock appointment.

机场管理局董事会成员偕同高层管理人员及政府官员为迎接更美好的新一年乾杯!The Airport Authority Board members, senior management and government official raise a toast to a good year ahead!

伯爵夫人尚且待在乡下,伯爵偕同索尼娅和娜塔莎,乃于元月底启程着往莫斯科。The countess was left in the country, and towards the end of January the count took Sonya and Natasha with him to Moscow.

周二,这位超模出身的前流行歌手偕同家人来到威尼斯,出席纪念其先父的一场音乐会。On Tuesday the former supermodel-turned-pop singer was in Venice with her family for a concert in honour of her late father.

这两条河道将偕同运河一起成为杭州市重点打造的“水上黄金旅游线”。These two watercourses , together with the canal, are to become a "water golden tourism route" mainly constructed by Hangzhou.

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返回地球后,他偕同阿波罗11号第2位踏上月球的巴兹.德林,以美国太空总署大使身分造访全球45天。On his return, he and Buzz Aldrin, the second moon walker on that Apollo11 flight, went on a45- day, around-the-world tour as NASA ambassadors.

返回地球后,他偕同阿波罗11号第2位踏上月球的巴兹.艾德林,以美国太空总署大使身分造访全球45天。On his return, he and Buzz Aldrin, the second moon walker on that Apollo 11 flight, went on a 45-day, around-the-world tour as NASA ambassadors.

公司坚持诚信服务和经营理念。愿偕同新老客户共同发展。XRLF manages principle for insisting in good faith services to each customer, we would like to cooperation together with our old and new customer.