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她心灵手巧。She is ingenuity.

她心灵手巧。She is a ingenuity girl.

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彼得是一个心灵手巧的技工。Peter is a clever mechanic.

锦绣的秋天是一位心灵手巧的小裁缝。Autumn is a beautiful little ingenuity tailor.

请听詹森尝试向艾拉讲解如何变得心灵手巧。Hear Jason try to teach Ella about being crafty.

琼在我们当中最心灵手巧了,但她从来不炫耀自己。Joan is the most practical of us, but she never ▲.

每一件小布艺都体现着女人心灵手巧的智慧。Every match is a small woman embodies the wisdom of God.

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他能够胜任任何需要心灵手巧的工作。He can do any sort of work requiring handiness and dexterity.

缝纫、打版和画效果图的关键是心灵手巧。Ingenuity is key, as are sewing, pattern-making, and sketching abilities.

他爸爸一直是个心灵手巧的人,屋子里的任何东西他都能修。The guy who fixes things in our apartment complex is not much of a handyman.

它是由五、六个心灵手巧的妇女,梳理了四个小时才成功的。It is five or six of the ingenuity of women, carding four hours before a success.

在很久以前,未婚女子在当天晚上祈求自己心灵手巧。Long ago, unmarried girls would pray that they might improve their handcraft skills.

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他爸爸一直是个心灵手巧的人,屋子里的任何东西他都能修。His dad has always been a handyman . He can fix anything and everything in the house.

瑞吉娜会称赞他心灵手巧,然后请他坐一会,喝喝咖啡,吃吃点心。Regina would marvel at his ingenuity, then make him sit for a cup of coffee and a few cookies.

一些心灵手巧的年轻女孩可以自己做花瓣美容,这使得其他人非常羡慕。Some deft young women are able to make cosmetics by flowers themselves, which makes others jealous.

得益于女人的心灵手巧,厨房也变得风情万种。The heart of profit from woman is deft, the kitchen also becomes amorous feelings 10 thousand kinds.

心灵手巧的孩子们做了很多精致手工,有大公鸡,龙,雪人,狮子,还有森林和戏剧道具等等。The ingenious children made many elaborate crafts, such as roosters, dragons, lions, a forest and props.

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小时候的魏翠霞就很心灵手巧,剪窗花、剪喜字的手艺她一学就会。Wei Cuixia a child is very clever and deft, shear bars and hi-word craft scissors that she would be a school.

剪纸不但可以丰富我们的课余生活,让我们变得更加心灵手巧,还能美化校园。Paper cutting can not only enrich our life after school, but also make us clever and deft and our campus more beautiful.

她自己心灵手巧,她可以从那些女性时尚杂志上把衣服的样式都学下来,自己做衣服,然后再卖掉赚点钱。She was a good seamstress and would copy all the styles from the women’s magazines and sell the clothes to make some extra money.