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封建社会等级森严。Feudal society was rigidly stratified.

封建社会贫民是被禁止进入皇庄的。In feudal society, unorthodox theories were always ignored.

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中国封建社会的官衙机构是一个非常庞杂的系统。The government office of feudal China is a very complex system.

在封建社会时,年轻女孩不允许出外自由活动。In feudal society, young girls were not allowed to go out freely.

无爱的婚姻,是中国封建社会最普遍的婚姻状况。Marriage without love is a common situation in Feudalist Society.

唐朝是封建社会的鼎盛时期。The Tang Dynasty was the most magnificent period in feudal society.

容隐制度是我国封建社会的一项重要法律制度。The"accept and hide"system is a very important legal system in China.

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在中国封建社会晚期,国家虽然地域广袤,但却相对肤浅。In late imperial China, the state was widespread but relatively shallow.

这就是中国封建社会发展迟缓问题的实质。This is the substance that Chinese feudal society develops logy problem.

市场经济,在封建社会时期就有了萌芽。Market economy was in its embryonic stages as early as feudalist society.

在封建社会,龙更被视作帝王的象征。In feudal society, the dragon also be regarded as a symbol of the emperor.

在封建社会里,一人犯罪,株连九族。In feudal times, when a man committed a crime, the whole clan was implicated.

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然而董仲舒的天人感应思想终究影响中国封建社会长达两千余年之久。Anyway, Dong' s ideas has influenced ancient China for two thousand years long.

这种情况在中国漫长封建社会中的历朝历代历来如此。It keeps the same situation in all dynasties of the long feudal society in China.

这种官营旅舍的类型与管理模式,为中国封建社会的旅舍制度奠定了基础。The management of hotels paves the ways for hotel institutions in feudal society.

这部历史小说是走向崩溃的封建社会的缩影。This historical novel illustrates the breaking up of feudal society in microcosm.

封建社会贫民是被禁止进入皇庄的。In feudal society poor people were forbidden to enter the imperial country estate.

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这个封建社会,从周秦开始,延续了约三千年。This feudal society, beginning with Zhou and Qin Dynasties. lasted about 3000 years.

在专制主义的封建社会中,最容易衍生谄谀的小人。In the feudal society of absolutism derive the lilliputian of flatter the most easily.

东汉王朝是我国封建社会第一次大统一时期,封建政治、经济都得到长足的发展。Eastern Han Dynasty was a period of the first great unification in China's feudal society.