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十万火急。请速联系。Urgent. Please contact me.

生活中真正十万火急的事情并不多见。There are very few true emergencies in life.

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我十万火急地要按预定时间完成报告。I was frantic to finish the report on schedule.

白天格里格给我打了个电话让我过去---“十万火急。”Greg called me and asked me to come over—“It’s urgent.”

我们对美国有一个十万火急的行动计划。We have a ten-point emergency act ion plan for america.

十万火急你认为在未来每个人都说同一种语言吗?Do you think everyone will speak the same language in the future?

这是野战军首长拍来的十万火急的电报。This is a signal of the urgent urgency from Field Army Headquarters.

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弗朗兹一挂上电话,就十万火急地去接他。As soon as he hung up the phone, Franz rushed off to pick McCandless up.

十万火急我们都希望我们的努力能够得到最大的回报。We all hope that our effort is able to get maximal bringing back a report.

我感到十分抱歉,但明天我真的有十万火急的事情要处理。I am terribly sorry for it, but I do have something urgent to handle first.

十万火急如果你没有好的身体,你有再多的钱,又在大的成就,你也不会感受到快乐。If you do not have a good body, you have more money, but also in large success, you will not feel happy.

总之还没遇到过十万火急的电话或短信需要立即回复。I have never encountered a situation when I got a call or text that had to be answered immediately anyway.

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真正让六月的最后期限显得十万火急的,是台湾的政治形势。What gives the June deadline urgency is Taiwanese politics. The ECFA must be approved by the disputatious parliament.

十万火急“我叫寒梅,我是一名英语爱好者,在这里我希望能认识更多爱好英语的朋友,互相切磋互相学习。”My name is Hanmei, I am an English fan, I hope to know more friends who loving English , we can learn from and practise with each other.

接下来我会把一些十万火急的事分离出来,标明我想要遵守的所有细节,再把他夹在我的一个工作方案夹里。Later I’ll separate out any necessary actions, record whatever data I want to keep, and file the printed map in a folder for the project.

知道十万火急,松也不再多言,转身便运起轻功,飞快向前冲去。Know 100,000 hastiness, loosen to likewise no longer speak more, turn round then luck ascend light finishing, hurtle quickly and amenable.

请密切关注以下物料的到货时间,一旦收到,请立即安排发货到印度。十万火急!Please pay close attention to the arrival time of following materials. Please arrange to deliver them to India asap once received them. Urgetly! ! !

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了解任务与大局的关系,让你可以选择是立即进行处理,还是先放在一边,特别是在十万火急的紧要关头。Knowing how assignments fit into the bigger picture allows you to either urgently jump on them or place them to the side, especially when those fire-drill requests occur.

他十万火急流星赶月似地发了另一份电报确认消息的可靠性,就急急忙忙地赶在其他没那么细心的,没那么温柔的朋友前将这个噩耗告诉她。He had only taken the time to assure himself of its truth by a second telegram, and had hastened to forestall any less careful, less tender friend in bearing the sad message.