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旗子迎风飘扬。With flags aflutter.

还有迎风奔跑的旋律。Melady of running in the wind.

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树叶迎风摇摆。The leaves danged in the wind.

红旗迎风飘扬。Pennants flaunting in the wind.

这面旗正迎风飘扬。The flag is waving in the wind.

野玫瑰迎风微笑。Wild roses smile against breeze.

柳枝迎风摇摆。The willow branches swing in the breeze.

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法国位于欧洲迎风的一面。France lies on the windward side of Europ.

风筝总是在迎风时飞得最高。Kites always rise highest against the wind.

彩旗迎风飘摆呼呼作响。The colour flags snuffled against the wind.

蚊子一般是无法迎风飞行的。Mosquitoes usually can’t fly against the wind.

风太大,你们最好迎风向航行。The wind is too strong, you had better ease to.

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这些风筝迎风飞翔,多美的景色啊!The kites fly upwind. How beautiful the scene is!

他们把迎风摇摆的枝丫都剪断了。They cut down the branches laughing in the breeze.

迎风眼落泪,撒尿滴滋鞋。”这是形象的描写。With the wind the eye weeps, shoe of piddle drop grow.

不管它在那里迎风飘扬,它都是美国的象征。Wherever it flies, it is a symbol of the United States.

你看到过一个独臂的男人迎风挥拳吗?If you've ever seen a one-armed man then you've seen me.

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花香迎风飘来。The scent of the flowers was wafted to us by the breeze.

这艘船崭新崭新的,船帆迎风鼓起。This boat is brand new and the wind plumps up the sails.

在得克萨斯州的沿岸草原,野波斯菊迎风开放。Coreopsis wildflowers bloom on the Texas coastal prairie.