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但书就像猫一样,有九条命。But books, like cats, have nine lives.

但书,你可以随时随地的翻阅。You can read a book anywhere, any time.

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这所学校免收学费,但书费要你自己负担。At this school the tuition is free, but you have to pay for the books you need.

这所学校免收学费,但书费需要你自己负担。At this school, the tuition is free, but you have to pay for the books you need.

但书中没有插图,所以,不久他就觉得乏味了。The little boy was reading, but the book had no pictures and soon palled on him.

前条第二项之规定,于本条第一项但书情形准用之。The provision in the second paragraph is applied to the proviso in the first paragraph.

但书中的主人公萨拉却做到了,她天生谦恭有礼,不卑不亢,纯真和善,这是她用拥有公主的气质。She was born as a polite, pure and graceful girl, which were the qualities of a princess.

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但书中也捕捉到马利在生命的最后几天挣扎的场景,催人泪下,令人佩服。But it also captures the four-hanky nobility of Marley's struggling through his last days.

一一依第一百四十七条但书规定之涂销登记。Registration of the cancellation according to the provision of the proviso of Article 147.

书不会毁于战火。人会死,但书勇不死。没有人也没有武力可以终止记忆。Learning does not stop as long as a man live, unless his learning power atrophies because he does not use it.

但书中充满真知灼见,言辞犀利、创意十足,颇为值得一读。But his book is full of clever insights. For sheer intellectual chutzpah and creativity, it is well worth reading.

但全伦敦都有书店,也许地方不太有名,但书同样多种多样,让人激动。Yet all over London there are bookshops, in places not so well known, where the books are equally varied and exciting.

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书中也无“颜如玉”,但书给你的欢乐更长久更有保障。Neither would you be able to meet your dream lover in books, but the ecstasy books bring to you is more lasting and secured.

行政契约违反第一百三十五条但书或第一百三十八条之规定者,无效。An administrative contract shall be null and void if it is contrary to the proviso to article 135 or the provision of article 138 hereof.

修正的效用原则与行动效用主义的原则相似,但增加了三条但书。Finally, this paper proposes a revised principle of utility, which is the same as that of act utilitarianism, except for three additional provisos.

系统经营者依前项但书规定办理时,得向订户请求支付必要之器材费用。The system operator may request reimbursement for the equipment cost from the subscriber for compliance with the proviso of the preceding Paragraph.

但书中指出,尚未出版的回忆录和目击者资料显示,1937年还是情侣的两人都背着对方各自偷腥。Yet unpublished memoirs and witness accounts suggest that within months of becoming lovers in 1937 they were both "playing away from home," says the book.

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二货物自前款但书所列之事业、工厂或仓库进入中华民国境内之其他地区者。The goods are transported from the enterprises, factories and warehouses referred to in the proviso of the preceding paragraph to other areas of the R. O. C.

它把动画招聘会制造出美妙的电影,但书之前,必须看到的图片,这样你会感觉到它,呼吸它,并乐在阅读。Put into moving pictures it would make a wonderful recruiting film, but the book must be read before seeing the picture, so that you will feel it, breathe it, live it.

但书中有关日本自民党社会统合作用的论述只言及自民党在政治体系的系统输出一侧的社会统合战略,忽视了自民党在政治系统输入一侧的社会统合功能。However, the masterpiece only mentioned LDP' s social unified strategy that is on its output side of political system, while input side of political system was neglected.