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这把椅子不太牢靠。This chair is not very strong.

牢靠的人是牢靠成功的基础。Standbys are essential for secure success.

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金链锁人比铁炼更牢靠。Chains of gold are stronger than chains of iron.

我只希望这艘船其他部分也足够牢靠。I just hope the rest of this ship is space-worthy.

中国的法制基础还不够牢靠。The legal foundation in China is not strong enough.

精铜管、蒸发器翅片式双冷凝器机组,散热效率高,经久牢靠。Refined copper-fin double condenser set, high cooling effect and durable.

这个厂的合同制工人都曾担心“纸饭碗”不牢靠。All contract workers worry about the insecurity of their "paper rice bowl".

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但是,这些顺序是牢靠的、易拆装,而且通常的鲁棒性。However, these procedures are reliable, easy to assemble, and usually robust.

完美人机工程高位插脚防松设计,使插接更牢靠。Perfect man-machine engineering Unscrew perch pin ensures reliable connection.

随着各国应对金融危机、刺激经济增长政策收到效果,世界经济出现逐步好转的积极迹象,但全面复苏的基础仍不牢靠。In the post-financial crisis era, Africa is showing signs of economic recovery.

但是转移到高速增长的发展中市场的战略现在看上去并不牢靠。But the strategy of moving into fast-growing developing markets is looking shakier.

由于重量只有7.8盎司,所以S400牢靠地拿在手里是很容易的。With 7.8 ounces of heft6 to it, the S400 is easy to hold and reassuring in the hand.

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“这是一个挑战,但我认为我们的战术很牢靠,”哈塞尔贝克说。"It will be a challenge, but I think we feel good about our plan, " Hasselbeck said.

这次多拉买下了那辆无趣但牢靠的车,下决心应付汉克的怒火。This time Dora bought the boring but dependable car and steeled herself for Hanks' anger.

运动胸衣的胸带“必须比日常胸罩更加牢靠,而且不能陷进你的肉里去”。The chest band should be “firmer than an everyday bra, but should not dig into your skin.”

手和手臂垂于体侧,球牢靠地置于攻击手腋下。With your hands and arms at your side and the ball firmly under the attacking arms armpit.

其目的是让耳塞更牢靠地塞在耳道里,而不必去买一副新的耳塞。Again, the idea is to grip your ear canal more strongly without making you buy new earbuds.

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因为“磷酸盐峰值”的威胁,我们也再没有牢靠的肥料供应了。Nor can we take fertiliser supply for granted any longer since "peak phosphates" threatens.

他是否认为巴顿的扣带不够牢靠,从而使他无法重新获得失去的动势?Does he feel that Button has buckled so badly he will be unable to regain his lost momentum?

玻璃制造以耗费大量材料和能源而且稳定牢靠的古老技术为基础。Glassmaking is a based on old, stable technologies that require lots of materials and energy.