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罪恶、羞耻或处女贞操的失去。A sin, or a shame, or loss of maidenhead.

她们还对较早失去贞操感到压力更大。They also feel more pressurised to lose their virginity early.

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这可是骗取全世界处女贞操的标准答案。This is standard practice for deflowering women the world over.

女人没有义务在婚前保持贞操。Women have no duty to keep their virginity before getting married.

一些皮革贞操带或短裤,是理想的太多的俱乐部。Some leather chastity belts or shorts are ideal too for the club scene.

很显然,大哥提高了面具中高估贞操的赌注。The Elder Brother has obviously upped the ante in the mask's overvaluation of virginity.

总是守着着份贞操留给和自己一辈子的男人。I always stick to be virginity to present the man who I will live together throughout my life.

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这现象极为讽刺,因为持守贞操的人,恰恰是那些有自控能力,并且有力量抵制性诱惑的人。This is so ironic because virgins are the ones with strength and self-control to resist sexual temptation.

在近代中国,比较全面地深刻批判封建贞操观,是在五四新文化运动时期。In modern China, the feudal view of virtue was severely criticized during the May Fourth New Literary Movement.

五十年前,婚前性行为就不被大众接受,现在你要是谈贞操别人会把你当成怪胎。"Fifty years ago pre-marital chastity was unquestioned, " he says. "Now it seems little more than a peculiarity.

有一天,将军要带兵出征,却怕老婆讨客兄,于是绑了一条贞操带在老婆身上。One day general to lead troops to battle, but customer review henpecked brother, then tied up his wife in a chastity belt body.

终其一生他致力于说服年轻女孩戒除性爱,着魔般地秉持处女应一直保持贞操的信念。Totally obsessed by the idea that virginity should be preserved, he spent his whole life trying to convince girls to abstain from sex.

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贞操权是指性纯洁的操守不为他人非法侵犯的权利,不独女性享有贞操权,男性同样也应当享有贞操权。Not only the female but also the male hold the right of chastity, which means the right of sexual purity from the illegal infringement.

这种杂婚制直接起源于群婚制,起源于妇女为赎买贞操权利而作的献身牺牲。This hetaerism derives quite directly from group marriage, from the ceremonial surrender by which women purchased the right of chastity.

因为这个梦想,我可以忍受没有芭比娃娃的世界,但我不能忍受的世界,迫使芭比娃娃穿贞操带。Because of this dream, I can put up with a world without Barbie dolls, but I cannot tolerate a world that compels Barbie dolls to wear chastity belts.

今天,很多地方仍然容许贞操处决、肢体残害、女性割礼以及其他迫害妇女的残暴的、有辱人格的行为。And honor killings, maiming, female genital mutilation, and other violent and degrading practices that target women are tolerated in too many places today.

但她们却又无法彻底摆脱旧式贞操观念的束缚,一旦与男友分手或发现被骗婚,就会郁郁终生甚至自杀以谢罪。So, once there was a breakup with their former boyfriends or suspicion of sexual deception, they were gripped by a depressive melancholy and committed suicide.

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不论那些男子多么甜蜜多么善解人意,那些我与他们共享的激情的瞬间并没有增加某种分量,让我觉得值得为之失去贞操。No matter how sweet and well-meaning the guys were, the hot-and-heavy moments I'd shared with them just didn't add up to something worth losing my virginity over.

她的遭遇引起了那些不仅受够了基层腐败,而且珍视年轻女子贞操的几百万中国人的共鸣,让这起事件超越了政治范畴。Her story resonates with millions of Chinese who not only are fed up with low-level corruption but also prize chastity in young women, causes that transcend politics.

保持贞操,禁欲,延长恋爱阶段和婚前及孕前的艾滋病检测将会使20世纪后期的美国成为一个人心惶惶,与现在不同的社会。Virginity and abstinence, prolonged courtships and AIDS tests before marriage or pregnancy—all these could make late 20th century America an anxious and altered society.