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无不良嗜好。Without bad hobby.

我会如此不良的吗?Was I so undesirable?

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克服不良嗜好。Overcome an addiction.

预后变得不良。The prognosis is poor.

今天,我的小兔兔因为嚼多了家里的地毯消化不良挂掉了。Today, my rabbit died.

你得的是消化不良。You've got indigestion.

他举止不良。He demeaned himself ill.

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梳棉或精梳不良。Poor carding or combing.

整流器滤波不良。Rectifier filter is poor.

侧止他的不良行为。The side stops his misdeed.

脚部轻微烤漆不良。Slight poor painting at leg.

他是个教养不良的孩子。He is a badly-brought-up boy.

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喜爱干净的人士,无不良嗜好。No bad habits and keep clean.

种族间的嫉恨是一种不良的风气。Racial hatred is a contagion.

复发性脑出血预后不良。The prognosis of RCH is poor.

他一点也没有不良的嗜好,我们已经说过。As we have said, he had no vices.

轻微丝印不良。Slight poor silk screen printing.

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我没有受他这种不良习气影响。His bad manners don't sit with me.

底座内部烤漆不良。Poor painting at bottom of inside.

二十亿人营养不良。And, two billion were malnourished.