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昨晚你们有一次密谈吗?Did you have a secret talk last night?

他与顾问们在私室里密谈。He closeted himself with his councilors.

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我和我最好的朋友进行密谈。I had a quiet conversation with my closest friend.

他为一次紧急会议正和理事进行密谈。He is closed with the director for an urgent meeting.

那人原来就是达西先生,他跟你舅父关起门来,密谈了好几个钟头。Mr. Darcy called, and was shut up with him several hours.

避免"天知地知,你知我知”的密谈,除非是对公司有利的。Avoid "just between us" secret conversations unless necessary to the benefit of the company.

阿拉宾先生到牛津去不久便和学院的尊严可敬的院长关起房门来密谈。Mr. Arabin went to Oxford and soon found himself closeted with the august head of his college.

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一个深密谈政治家会伤害任何人,即使是她最亲密的,在她的无情攀登到顶部。A deeply closeted politician will hurt anyone-even those closest to her-in her ruthless climb to the top.

苹果公司代表本周在纽约同包括行业高管的大型出版商密谈。Apple representatives have been in New York this week talking to the largest trade publishers, according to industry executives.

很可能这就是预期目标。至于我得以和茱莉、芒偍、佩姬、马克还有黛碧一一密谈,那只是捎带的优惠罢了。Perhaps that was the purpose. The conversations with Julia, with Monty, with Peg, with Mark and Debbie, those were fringe benefits.

有人组成一小群密谈,有人则大声表达自己的意见,吸引大批为观者。Some talk conspiratorially in small groups, while others express their views loudly and animatedly, attracting crowds of onlookers.

他们密谈了20分钟,如果小报记者没有在这个房间做什么手脚的话,新公爵夫人蜜月回来的首次出场就不会有啥不合适的了。They talked privately for 20 minutes, a gaffe-free debut unless the tabloids had the room wired. But Kate was seen to touch her tummy.

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萨雷姆先生表示,密谈在的确有助于和平进程——不过现在停滞不前的主要原因是以色列人与美国支持者的过错。Mr Shlaim suggests that they did—and that the blame for their not getting further rests largely with the Israelis and their American backers.

然而,一旦他们的救援直升机空运到安全,布伦丹来到他的感觉,他回家精心设计,密谈的生活。Yet once the rescue helicopter airlifts them to safety, Brendan comes to his senses, returning home to his carefully constructed, closeted life.

蒋元一直为蒋进的事情费尽心神,汤晴此时出现与蒋元密谈,将有关蒋进一案的重要线索告知蒋元。Jiang yuan so much mind, has been for Jiang Jin Shang Qing appears with jiang yuan commune, the important clues about the Jiang Jin case to jiang yuan.

奥巴马当局曾试图通过与中国在幕后密谈这些津贴的问题,来回避轮胎关税,但北京没有理会。The Obama administration tried to avoid the tire tariffs by talking to the Chinese behind the scenes about these subsidies, but Beijing would not budge.

在津期间,他作为朝鲜的联络官员,与李鸿章等清朝大员就朝美缔约及朝鲜开港问题多次进行密谈,还亲眼目睹了当时中国机器制造工业的发展状况。In China, he met many Qing officials such as Li Hong-zhang and talked with them about Korea's matters on port-open, which has gained attention of researchers.

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我从那些穿长袍的疯子当中,拉了一个到旮旯来密谈,我判定他们相信这雕像是某种神圣的尸体——上古之神的遗体。After dragging one of the robed crazies to a corner to talk, I determined that they believe the statue is some sort of divine corpse — the remains of an Old God.

村子里一时流言四起,人心浮动,说什么王常盈的儿子有一天半夜里溜回了村,与几个被他收买的人进行密谈。Sepulchral rumors floated about the village and it was said that the landlord's son returned in the middle of the night and talked with agents whom he had bribed.

面对即将到来的“决战时刻”,卡扎菲政权在未放弃抵抗的同时,加紧与西方国家及反对派密谈找出路。Faced with the imminent "decisive moment", Gaddafi regime did not give up resistance, while stepping up opposition to secret talks with the West and find a way out.