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她走起路来轻捷柔媚,好象是在城里教养大的。She walked as delicately as if she had been bred in town.

带给您的,是简约与柔媚的完美融合。Brought to you is simple soft and the perfect integration.

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这里的空气清新、这里的阳光柔媚、这里是一个天外的世界。Fresh air here, where the sun Roumei, here is an outer world.

柔媚的曲线打破了房间的方正和死板。The Founder that the curve of gentle and lovely broke a room and formalist.

披着柔媚的春光,让略带甜意的风,从身边掠过。Under the soft spring, so that slightly sweet Italian wind, passing from the side.

走近铁艺,你会发现在它刚性的冰冷沉重中,还有着细腻柔媚。Approached Tieyi, you will find it hard in the cold heavy, there is delicate fierce.

对国民如何专横,向外人如何柔媚,不犹是差等的遗风么?How to arbitrary pairs of people, outside people how Roumei, not Utah is a poor legacy Mody?

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简单大方的优质服饰让您展现女人高雅、柔媚的一面!With our simple and decent clothes of high quality, you can show your elegance and loveliness easily.

动感的姿态又体现了女性自我,独立的各项,打造出柔媚与果敢兼具的瑞丽女人。Dynamic posture shows that the female self, independent of the entire tail are both bold and Ruili women.

因此立体造型表现出了夸张诙谐、质朴柔媚、简洁庄重的特点。So three-dimensional modeling demonstrated a humorous exaggeration, rustic love, simple and solemn character.

在排球场或者靶场你会想让自己看起来活力十足,而在酒吧或卧室里,你会希望自己更柔媚一些。You might want to be fierce on the volleyball court or shooting range, and svelte at a bar or in the bedroom.

尼罗河畔的秋阳格外柔媚,椰枣树热情地舒展着臂膀。Along the Nile River, the autumn sun glowed especially softly and date palm trees stretched arms enthusiastically.

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自然界,阴阳相合是天道,总还是需要迎客松来增加那么一点女人的柔媚。In Nature, Yin and Yang are consistent or united. A Guest-Greeting Pine may add a bit gentle and lovely temperament.

行人总是抬起眼睛欣喜的注视着这些生动而柔媚的花串,眼里流溢着惊喜和赞赏。Pedestrians always looked happy watching these vivid flowers and soft strings, the eyes of surprise and appreciation.

一份柔媚、多彩又有着一丝神秘的琉璃饰品,将代表着您对亲朋拥有多彩生活的美好祝福。The colored glaze ornaments, gentle, lovely and slight mysterious, will bring best wishes to your family and friends.

布满规则几何图形的绒布背景墙和以柔和的灯光,凸显出空间的女性风格与柔媚气氛。Rules of geometry, cloth-covered backdrop and with soft lighting, highlights women's style and Roumei space atmosphere.

精力旺盛的你赶紧行动起来,尽情展示自己最柔媚的一面吧。You′ve got a high-energy summer a head of you, Virgo. Let your feminine side flourish, to balance out your warrior-in-the-world aspect.

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尤其在充满边疆色彩的〈伊犁河畔〉中,更风情万千的展现了古筝淡雅之外的另一股柔媚的韵味,令人意象深刻。One would be especially impressed by her performance in the 'On the Bank of Yili River' in which a Chinese frontier lifestyle is handsomely portrayed.

她不仅仅是漂亮,坚定,精力集中,聪明,和运动活力,而且她既有女性的柔媚和迷人,在创作过程中,也会像钉子一样坚韧。Not only is she beautiful, determined, focused, smart and athletic, but she's also feminine and charming. She was also tough as nails during the creative process.

九枪八声音柔媚,却掷地有声,她答应和傅思远做这笔买卖,但是账得细算,伤一个兄弟多少钱,死一个兄弟多少钱。Fu Siyuan is willing to take the money out of the housekeeper, plus a small yellow croaker and nine gun eight business -- please rescue Zhang Yucheng from bandits.