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伊丽莎白提不出卓有成效的办法。Elizabeth had nothing to propose of deeper efficacy.

许多持久而卓有成效的关系由此而开始。And that started many long-lasting and fruitful relationships.

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即使在选举前,富特先生也算不上是一个卓有成效的领导人。Even before the election, Mr Foot was not an effective leader.

我们得搜索枯肠想出一些卓有成效的措施。We'll have to rack our brain and think of some effective measures.

在人们遇到意见不同时,这目标在各方面是卓有成效、催人长进的。Where people disagree, it’s productive andinformative on all sides.

我怎样才能控制情绪,以使每天卓有成效呢?除非我心平气和,否则迎来的又将是失败的一天。And dhow will I master these emotions so that each day will be productive?

我国民间产生的很多卓有成效的文化禁毒模式值得推广。Many effective anti-drug patterns in our folk culture are worth promoting.

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我们知道氟化物在降低蛀牙危险方面卓有成效”。We know fluoride has a great track record in diminishing the risk of decay.

他这样问,是因为麦克什尔在苏格兰全国带领人归主,卓有成效。McShane was instrumental in leading many people to Christ all over Scotland.

而上海市政府坚称近期的打击行动卓有成效。City officials, however, insist that the recent crackdown has been effective.

对于爱情,小说的创作最初为此惊叹,进而对此进行了卓有成效的反思。Of love, fictional creation has the initial wonder and the fecund rumination.

我发现索科尔是一位非常出色的管理人士,在打造企业方面卓有成效。I found Sokol to be a brilliant executive, a company builder who gets results.

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总之,他勇于挑战,深谋远虑,卓有成效地摧毁了俄国落后的传统In conclusion, he defiantly, deliberately, and effectively broke with tradition.

借火搭讪因卓有成效而使得非烟民也试图混迹于搭讪群中。Smirting has been so successful that non-smokers try to mingle with the smirters.

如果没有他们,这条路将会更加艰辛,也不会如此卓有成效。Without them, the journey here would have been more difficult and less rewarding.

近年来,中国在加强出口控制方面做了大量卓有成效的工作。In recent years, China has made fruitful efforts to strengthen its export control.

养成按时的习惯对于卓有成效的学学习极为重要。The habit of keeping regular hours is of extreme importance to successful learning.

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有一天,在结束一整天卓有成效的长时间攀爬和摄录后,有人闯入了我旅馆的房间。My hotel room was broken into after a long and rewarding day of shooting and climbing.

RTX系统已经测试了两年多了,而且卓有成效。The RTX system has been tested for two years now and the results are pretty promising.

在经历这段煎熬后他才开始了与格兰特持久而卓有成效的合作。Only after this ordeal did he begin his long and fruitful association with Ulysses Grant.