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资金急剧增长。The funds rose sharply.

舍得花钱去筹到更多的资金。Spend money to raise mone.

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他有134名资金募集人。Well, he has 134 bundlers.

谁为叙利亚提供资金?Who funded this for Syria?

资金是一种强大的动力。Money is a great motivator.

他们不缺资金。They do not lack for funds.

他们从哪得到创业资金呢?Where did they get the money?

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当我的银行汇款的资金。When my bank remits the funds.

不要积压国家资金。Don't let state funds lie idle.

莫里斯.史密斯负责筹集竞选资金。Maurice Smith raised the money.

这医院资金匮乏。The hospital are under-financed.

对谢拉来说,资金是关键The money, for Serra, is the key

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另一个便是配置资金。The other is capital allocation.

你还得管理你的资金。You have to manage your bankroll.

私募资金中国地区执行总裁。Tano China Capital Management Inc.

适应问题的核心是资金。The core of adaptation is funding.

我们的资金分配情况如何?How does AFK manage incoming funds?

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所有资金会直接存入瑞士银行。All fund directly goes to Swis Bank.

他捲走公司的资金潜逃了…He absconded with the company funds.

维康基金会为该项研究提供资金。The Wellcome Trust funded the study.