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使用玻璃制品。Go with glass.

乔什吃玻璃。Josh eats glass.

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玻璃,火石,中等1。Glass Flint Medium 1.

他给窗户装了玻璃。He glazed the windows.

玻璃嵌入泥中。Glass embeds in the mud.

是玻璃幕墙高耸入云的闹市区?A downtown of glass towers?

是一个小玻璃容器被砸破。A glass capsule was broken.

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玻璃转变温度是用DSC仪来测定的。DSC was used to measure Tg.

我需要买一些玻璃弹珠。I need to buy some marbles.

那个写字台是玻璃面的。That desk is gla'ss-topped.

挡风玻璃被冰层覆盖。The windshield has iced up.

玻璃能被制成瓶子。Graps can be made into wine.

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玻璃平板上没有原件。No original on platen glass.

请清洗挡风玻璃。Please clean the windshield.

玻璃绷了一条缝儿。The glass has a crack in it.

这窗子是由玻璃制成的。The window ism ade of glass.

过多的漆在玻璃顶部。Excess painting at glass top.

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玻璃玻璃啪啦破裂。The glass broke with a crack.

这是装有玻璃门面的门。This is a glass-fronted door.

那种玻璃易破。That glass is liable to crack.