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方今8频道播什么节目?Whatis on Channel 8 now?

我喜欢体育频道。I like the sports channel.

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我们换一个频道,好吗?Shall we change the channel?

电影频道是哪一个呢?Which is the movie channel ?

视频信道,电视频道?。VFC? Video Frequency Channel?

请订阅本频道。Please subscribe this channel.

哪个频道放电影?。Which channel is the movie on?

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你会一直换频道吗?Do you change the channel a lot?

修复频道创造。Fixed Homebrew Channel creation.

MBC动作频道壁上广告MBC ACTION TV Channel Building Ad

该频道由英特尔赞助。The channel is sponsored by Intel.

今晚音乐频道有一场演出直播。A live show on Music Channel tonight!

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取消收费的电影频道?Cancelled that premium movie channel?

二频道的采访车开来了。The Channel Two truck just pulled up.

为什么不调到电影频道呢?。Why don't we put it on movie channel?

詹姆斯是CNET新闻频道的摄影师。James is a photographer for CNET News.

这些码流就被称为子频道。These streams are called sub-channels.

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看看电影频道在演什么?What are they playing on movie channel?

每一个频道有自己的信号源控制。Each channel has its own source control.

我转台到独立电影频道。I turned to the Independent Film Channel.