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外貌好,气质佳。Good looks, good temperament.

在家练习玩外貌—名称游戏。Practice the face-name game at home.

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她向警方描述了那个女人的外貌。She described the woman to the police.

符合大众对外貌的审美标准Conform to society’s standard of beauty.

北九龙裁判法院外貌。Exterior of the North Kowloon Magistracy.

陶器放在外貌让炽热的太阳烘晒焙干。The pottery was left to make in the hot sun.

趋于拥有好看的外貌。幽默且搞笑。Tends to be good-looking. Humorous and funny.

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那是在他的外貌中为主导者。That was what predominated in his appearance.

他的脸具有哈布斯堡王室的外貌特徵。His face shows the lineaments of the Hapsburgs.

那个人的奇特外貌给我留下了深刻的印象。I was struck with the man's singular appearance.

那些云有著大船的外貌。Those clouds have the semblance of a large ship.

外貌还是举止都活似双胞胎。They are like twins both in appearance and in behavior.

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这姐妹俩外貌惊人地相似。There are striking resemblances between the two sisters.

华丽的服装使他那极其英俊的外貌更为出色。Fine clothes added to his strikingly handsome appearance.

中央电视台的新大楼是一件外貌新奇的奇特作品。The new CCTV building is an extravaganza of strange look.

外貌像草根,冰爽的味道与柠檬的口感。Looks like grass, smells minty and taste similar to lemon.

媒体对外貌的过度迷恋使她很生气。Xia was annoyed by the media’s infatuation with her looks.

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就算你的决定的确受到了他们外貌的影响,那又算不算错呢?If you were swayed by someone's looks, would that be wrong?

它也比外貌、天赋、技能重要。It is more important than appearances, giftedness or skill.

麻风病能严重损伤病人的外貌并造成死亡。The disease can severely disfigure victims and cause death.