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除了一个以外的所有的都是死后追授的。All but one have been posthumous.

他被追授了一枚维多利亚十字勋章。He was awarded a posthumous Victoria Cross.

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反对追授奖项的规定是否应删除?Shouldthe statute against posthumous awarding be removed?

颁奖规则在1974年进行修订,此后即禁止追授奖项。The rules were amended in 1974 to prohibit posthumous prizes.

创业魔术师道亨宁将兑现追授。Pioneering magician Doug Henning will be honoured posthumously.

1961年,达格?哈马斯克尔德被追授诺贝尔和平奖。In 1961, Dag Hammarskjöld, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize posthumously.

应该明确诺贝尔奖不得故意地追授奖项。to make it clear that the Nobel Prizeshall not deliberately be awarded posthumously.

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另外,还有四位军人因在伊拉克战争中的英勇行为也获得了该荣誉,不过他们均是在死后被追授的。Four service members have been recognized, all posthumously, for bravery during the Iraq war.

杰克逊本人将被追授这项唱片大奖的终身成就奖。Jackson is being honored posthumously with the Recording Academy's Lifetime Achievement Award.

法国内政部官员表示,在法国每年都会有十起左右的“追授婚姻”。According to French interior ministry officials, around ten posthumous marriages are carried out each year in France.

继他生前获得十三座格莱美奖后,这位流行音乐之王将在明天被追授终生成就奖,还将在他的悼念演出以3D形式重现人间,引人追思。Now, the late pop icon will be awarded a lifetime achievement Grammy and saluted in a 3-D tribute at the show Jan. 31.

1984年,总统罗纳德.里根为罗宾森追授国家最高平民奖,自由勋章。In 1984, President Ronald Reagan presented Robinson with a posthumous Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian award.

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团省委追授其“福建省优秀少先队员”荣誉称号。The group provincial party committee awards posthumously it "the Fujian Province outstanding Young Pioneer" the title of honor.

莱杰是第二位被追授的奥斯卡演员,彼得·芬奇因其1976年主演的“网络”而赢得最佳男演员,他于两个月后即1977年年初去世。Ledger is only the second actor to win a posthumous Oscar. Peter Finch won best actor for 1976's "Network" two months after he died in early 1977.

美国,以色列,加拿大和匈牙利追授他为荣誉市民,而且世界各地数不清的街道和纪念馆都以他的名字命名。He is an honorary citizen of the United States, Israel, Canada, and Hungary, while monuments and streets have been named after him throughout the world.

由于他的英勇事迹,很多国家追授他为荣誉市民,数不清的公园,学校和慈善组织都以他的名字命名。As a result of his actions he has been made an honorary citizen of several nations with parks, schools and philanthropic organisations named in his honour.

特区政府民政事务局局长曾德成表示,将向授勋委员会推荐追授黄福荣金英勇勋章。SAR Government Secretary for Home Affairs Tsang Tak-sing said, will be posthumously awarded the Honours Committee recommends Huang Furong Medal for Bravery.

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毕竟,有116年及79界历史的诺奖即使有一些借口,他们也并未规定不得追授奖项。After all, the Nobel has been around, in someguise, for a hundred and sixteen years, and for seventy-nine of them there wasno stipulation against posthumous awarding.

此申请的附加部分旨在消除任何关于迈克尔·杰克逊是否可以被追授诺贝尔和平奖的争论。This addition to the petition is aimed at eliminating any controversy as to whether or not, Michael Jackson is an eligible nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize, posthumously.