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该义务是至高无上的。This duty is paramount to all the others.

敬拜就是体认到上帝至高无上的价值。To worship is to realize the highest value of God.

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他的判决是至高无上的、他的权力是不容置疑的。His judgment was sovereign, his power unassailable.

敬拜就是体认到上帝至高无上的价值。To worship is to recognize the supreme worth of God.

在资本主义市场经济中,消费者是至高无上的。In the capitalistic market economy the consumers are supreme.

上帝更有权拥有我们,是种至高无上的权利。God has a bigger property right in us, a prior property right.

至高无上的计划的额外主题是个极端机密.The extra theme of the supreme scheme is an extreme secret.

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他们的功绩与世长存,狼牙,就是他们至高无上的荣誉。Their merits and world forever, spike, is their supreme honor.

引入新技术时,沟通是至高无上的。When introducing a new technology, communication is paramount.

三位一体的父、子、圣灵是至高无上,统管万有的。The holy Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit reigns supreme.

另外,学生的全面发展是教学至高无上的原则。Besides, students' overall development is the loftiest principal.

宪法是国家的根本法,具有至高无上的地位。Constitution is the national fundamental law, with supreme status.

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人的总称凭借他们的内涵调节器,是至高无上的存在。Humans are sovereign beings by virtue of their indwelling adjusters.

姆六甲具有至高无上的神力地位,是神圣的创世女神。She was a goddess in the status of supreme god with sacred creation.

金日成陵墓是至高无上的这么一个地方。The high point of the pilgrimage circuit is Kim Il Sung's mausoleum.

理论上,君主如同国家元首般享有至高无上的权力。Theoretically, the monarch embodies supremacy as head of state. P130

当唱诵时,这至高无上的能量会在我们周遭各处显现。When chanting it, the supreme energy manifests everywhere around us.

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金刚萨垛是至高无上的,是金刚乘一切坛城之尊。Enclosed is the king of supreme pizza, it is all vajrayana of honour.

你的艺术品多么美妙,你至高无上的给我们存款,给我们零用钱。How wonderful thou art, who sovereignly deposits our allowance to us.

伊万同样也是,因为他拒绝向心智至高无上的王权低头。Ivan is likewise by refusing to surrender the royal powers of the mind.