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有几个原因使这些女性胜人一筹。These women have gotten a leg up for several reasons.

获得较高的风险与每胜人一筹轮。The stakes get higher with each round of one-upmanship.

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力求质量、价格、服务均要胜人一筹。Aim for outfoxing opponents at quality, price and service.

特别是在转储和排除方面胜人一筹。Especially in the dump area and the exclusion of one-upmanship.

首先,你应该以细节上更胜人一筹。First, you should be far better than the details of one-upmanship.

切记,文化的纪元来来往往,但胜人一筹的思想却是永恒的。Remember, cultural epochs come and go, but one-upmanship is forever.

我们如何确定这种不懈的要使自己胜人一筹的精神是一种生物天赋呢?How do we know this relentless one-upmanship is a biological endowment?

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每天你都有机会胜人一筹,干得出色,出类拔萃。Every day you have the chance to excel, to stand out, and to be exceptional.

价格更是胜人一筹,是创业型企业的首选。Price is one-upmanship is the first choice for business-oriented enterprises.

35岁的建筑工人约翰说他和一个朋友是因为想要胜人一筹才去学缝纫的。John, 35, a builder, says he and a friend got into sewing as a form of one-upmanship.

有些人非常偏好数学,而有些人则在语言技能上胜人一筹。Some people are very mathematically inclined, while some others excel in verbal skills.

胜人一筹在战胜对手方面的一种技巧,例如在利益、权力和名誉方面的竞争。The art of outdoing or showing up a rival or competitor, as in exploits, privileges, or honors.

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在保持食物天然营养方面,西方的一切烹调手法确实胜人一筹。In maintaining the natural nutrition of food, the West all the way to cook really one-upmanship.

这些小贴士将使您胜人一筹,因为您的训练既刻苦又理智!These tips will make you better than the competition because you will be working hard and smart!

在某些功能上计算机可与人类匹敌,然而在危急关头需要迅速做出决定的时候,计算机却胜人一筹。Computers match people in some roles, and when fast decisions are needed in a crisis, they often outclass them.

要想成功以及想胜人一筹的欲望,可以激励我们在工作上努力,在学校里用功。The desire to succeed and do better than others motivates us to work hard on the job and study diligently at school.

想要胜人一筹的想法已经在你心里酝酿已久了,并且它可以明确具体化,那么你必须发现者其中的趋势。A feeling of one-upmanship has been brewing within you for a while, and it may crystallize unless you become aware of the tendency.

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由于市场形势千变万化,出口产品必须不断地更新换代,胜人一筹。With the market changing so quickly, our export commodities must be constantly upgraded to have a competitive edge over those of our rivals.

显然,QFII对这次反弹的切入、离场时机的把握胜人一筹,成为这轮反弹行情的最大赢家。Obviously, QFII on the rebound of the cut, time to leave the grasp of one- upmanship , this round has become the biggest winner in the market rebound.

历史问题在有关国家和幸存的受害者中都是非常严肃的。但是现如今这已经关乎到了民族自豪感和是否胜人一筹的问题了。The historical issues between all the countries involved and the surviving victims are very serious, but it is now about national pride and one-upmanship.