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去年外援锐减。The foreign aid evaporated last year.

但是这样的外援项目屈指可数。But such projects are few and far between.

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顺便说一下,牛顿先生可没有数学外援By the way, Mr. Newton did not have math guys he could go to.

他们决定不依靠外援来救灾。They decided not to count on foreign aid to relieve the famine.

处理邮件的事你可以申请外援,不必亲自劳神。Rather than dealing with your mail yourself, you can outsource the task.

民主党人对削减外援深感忧虑,他们想要保留更多的对外援助项目。That worries Democrats who want a broader foreign-aid programme to survive.

没有外援也有好处,迫使我们奋发努力。Having no outside help also had its positive side, because we were forced to exert ourselves.

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在求助外援之前,坐下来,先做好自己的功课当然是一个很好的想法。It's certainly a good idea to sit down and do your homework before you look for outside help.

如果没有外援,其中包括美国紧急小麦装运,很多人可能就会饿死。Without foreign aid, including emergency shipments of American wheat, many might have starved.

现在外援也学聪明了,挨家问出价,哪家给的价高就去哪家。Now foreign aid is also a smart school, house-to-house to ask bid, which To which the prices go.

解除党禁是埃及的当务之急,也是埃及最需要外援的方面。Party-building is the country's screaming need and should be the top priority for outside assistance.

要知道,德拉甘是科萨回到大连之后,敲定的唯一一名外援人选。We should know that Dragan is Kesa back to Dalian after finalizing the only one foreign aid candidates.

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在好几个星期中,所有的紧急援助行动都由志愿卫生工作者在无外援的情况下开展。For weeks, all of the urgent assistance operations were carried out unaided by volunteer health workers.

中国官员表示,中国的外援政策是随着中国对国际事务的参与不断加深而逐步形成的。Chinese officials say their aid policy is evolving along with the country's deepening involvement abroad.

绿城有国字号球员或出色的外援吗?有的话,具体有哪些?Do the green city has the outstanding player or the splendid foreign aid?if yes, which specifically have?

韩国希望到2018年建造一颗无需外援的火箭,到2025年发射一颗月球探测卫星。South Korea hopes to build a rocket without outside help by 2018 and to send a probe to the moon by 2025.

澳大利亚外长陆克文还希望非政府组织在外援项目中发挥更积极的作用。Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd also wants a more active role for non-government organizations in the aid program.

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对于东莞而言,这位塞尼加尔外援可能比“魔兽”桑普森更可怕。Speaking of Dongguan, the Nepali Jar foreign aid Sampson is possibly more fearful than "the evil spirit beast".

为促进中国民主革命的胜利,奔波域外,寻求外援,成为其革命生涯的重要特征。His revolutionary career was characterized by overseas ventures seeking foreign aid for his revolutionary cause.

然而,作为当今网络红人之一的罗玉凤却否认自己成名与外援有关。However, Luo Yufeng, one of the biggest Web celebrities today, denies receiving any help on her road to stardom.