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读一下书的封底和简介。Read the back cover and the introduction.

封面和封底的图画是连在一起的,这还是第一次。For the first time the cover is a wrap-around.

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啊,我扯太远了,这是这本书的封底。Oops, I have gone too far. This is the back of the magazine.

封面和封底是重磅的米色道林纸,边上打了两个眼。The covers is heavy beige Dowling, have two holes with edge.

使用两页白色、蓝色或黑色的硬纸作为剧本的封面和封底。Bind your screenplay between two pieces of cover stock in white, blue or black.

元素周期表在你们讲义的封底,如果你没看到的话。The period of table's on the back page of your notes if you don't see that there.

涂饰经烫平后保持皮革柔软性,且平整剂封底效果良好。It can keep the softness of the leather and has good even and pre-bottoming effect.

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月报的封底则放些例行性资讯,例如扶轮社的出席率统计图表。Place routine information, such as club attendance figures, in the back of the letter.

封面文字一般最多5个词语,封底文字一般最多25个词语。Front-Cover Text may be at most 5 words, and a Back-Cover Text may be at most 25 words.

将书打开,封面封底和书脊朝上。Open the book so that the first and last pages and the core of the spine are facing up.

那要看你所登广告的位置.你喜欢封面还是封底广告?It depends on the location in the material. Are you interested in a front or back paper ad?

我对你们印在1979年第五期杂志封底的照片十分生气!I am very angry about the photo you published on the back cover of your volume 5, 1979 magazine.

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封面和封底是重磅的米色道林纸,边上打了两个眼。The covers were of heavy weight, buff-coloured calendered paper with two holes punched in the edges.

焊接工艺评定记录单上应包括封底焊时所用的惰性保护气体组成成分和流率。The PQR shall include the composition and flow rate of the shielding and inert gas backing, when used.

是他写的那些东西已经在书本的封面与封底之间出现了么?What made the difference? The fact that the stuff he had written had appeared inside the covers of books?

你曾在糟糕的杂志封底见过减肥食品的广告,模特儿在服用燃脂丸之前或之后的样子。You've all seen the diet ads at the back of bad magazines, before after, she took Hydroxycut to lose weight.

他在一份拥有一百万忠实读者的杂志的封底买下了四分之一版的广告。He had bought a quarter-page advertisement in the back of a magazine with a circulation of one million people.

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本机自动化程度高,是制作塑料封底袋、马夹袋的理想制袋机械。Featuring high automation degree, it is an ideal bag-making machine for plastic bottom sealing bags and waistcoat bags.

封底混凝土与钢护筒的共同作用是大型钢吊箱及承台设计与施工的关键技术问题。The coactions of subsealing concrete and steel pipe pile are the key technology of large steel suspension-box cofferdam.

在小说封底的插图上显示了两套连锁的方形向地平线伸展出去。The illustration on the back cover of "The Tunnel Thru The Air" shows two sets of interlocking squares stretching to the horizon.