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他因渎职而受到降级处分。He was degraded from office for his dereliction of duty.

有些将军渎职并且不忠实于法国。Some of my generals are not loyal to their duties and to France.

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该项法律还规定,禁止行贿受贿和失职渎职行为。It also contained provisions forbidding bribery and official misconduct.

他目前依然因为一些在任市长期间的大型项目面临渎职调查。He still faces graft probes into big projects started while he was in office.

这一结果源于连年内战和北苏丹政府的渎职。This follows years of war and neglect by the Sudanese government in Khartoum.

法官裁定为无效审判,并以严重渎职为名传讯了检察官。The judge ruled a mistrial and cited the prosecutors for outrageous misconduct.

成千上万的纽约人受到危害世台会产生碎片和政府渎职。Thousands of New Yorkers were endangered by WTC debris—and government malfeasance.

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这种渎职行为如属一次偶犯尚可推诿于一时的冲动。One such instance of dishonesty might be argued to be the result of reckless impulse.

该人事变动发生在指控上个月警袭中严重渎职的报道之后。The changes followed the report alleging rampant misconduct during last month's police raid.

如果因为渎职被炒你可能拿不了失业保险,但是不要自己假定情况如何。If you were fired for misconduct you may not be eligible, but, don't presume that is the case.

美军退役陆军将军舒克,联合国科索沃任务区的二把手,说联合国的渎职办公室正在调查他与能源部长的特殊关系。Retired U. S. army general Steven Schook, second in command of the U. N. in Kosovo, said the U. N.

玩忽职守罪是渎职犯罪的一种,其社会危害性相当严重。As one of the serious official misconduct crime, misprision is attacked by each authority at anytime.

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在拍摄的时候,陈耀文就认为这部纪录片是对官员渎职的猛烈抨击。Chen was filming what he thought would be a hard-hitting television report about official negligence.

查处贪污贿赂、渎职侵权等职务犯罪,是我国检察机关的法定职能。It is the statutory functions of the procuratorial organs in China to investigate the official offence.

“在某些极端情况下,如果老板渎职,你有责任采取行动,”尤西姆说。"In extreme circumstances, if the boss is involved in malfeasance, you have a duty to act," says Useem.

“在某些极端情况下,如果老板渎职,你有责任采取行动,”尤西姆说。"In extreme circumstances, if the boss is involved in malfeasance, you have a duty to act, " says Useem.

当专业的人力资本的价值敏于表现时,专业的人力资本可以对渎职行为起到一种担保的作用。Professional human capital serves as a bond against malfeasance when its value is sensitive to performance.

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第三,论述了司法类渎职犯罪主体认定中的几大疑难问题。It also gives an analysis of the scope of"judicial personnel"and the scope of subject of crime of malfeasance.

曾服公务,因贪污渎职经判刑确定或通缉有案尚未结案者。Used to work as a public servant and received confirmed sentence for corruption or is involved in on-going case.

显然,金融危机提供了用之不竭的机会,可以揭露欺诈、渎职和腐败。The financial crisis provides an apparently endless opportunity for unmasking deceit, malfeasance, and corruption.