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我所以要提到那个地方,就因为我当初应该得到的一份牧师俸禄就在那儿。I mention it, because it is the living which I ought to have had.

他吃了三十年俸禄,早已作好了打这场遭遇战的准备。He had been paid through thirty years to prepare for such an encounter.

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在1820年,帕特里克布朗蒂在约克郡西瑞丁的霍沃思成为了一名俸禄牧师。In 1820 Patrick Brontë became incumbent of Haworth, West Riding of Yorkshire.

然而,由于通货膨胀,新的俸禄并不能满足家庭基本需求,。The new salary, however, could not cover basic family needs due to inflation.

职田是宋代地方官员普遍享有的一项俸禄。Professional farmland was a important salary part of local officers in Song Dynasty.

又恢复了旧时的体制,王室就是在这种制度下接受了近300年的俸禄。This is a reversion to the system under which the Royals were paid for nearly 300 years.

说真的,我希望我有权利毙掉那些靠着政府俸禄吃得肥胖的印度官员。Seriously I wish I had power to shoot freeloaders Indian officials who are growing fat on govt, Money.

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他们离开时,恺撒用自己的钱,给那些士兵发了一年的俸禄。When they left, Julius Caesar, out of his own pocket, gave every soldier in those legions a year's pay.

本文对明代的俸禄处罚作了考察,认为明代的俸禄处罚运作的已较为规范。This text investigate the salary punishment of Ming Dynasty, think Ming Dynasty punish operates already norm.

致仕官员有俸禄往往只是高级官员才享有的特权,并不适用于中下级官员。But the salary is often only the privilege which the high-ranking officials can enjoy, not for the lower officials.

尽管他的俸禄不多,他还是经常去肉店里买一些将要被宰杀的动物。Even though his post didn't pay much, he often went to the butcher's shops and bought animals bound for the slaughter.

领圣职的俸禄牧师将藉由探究做事物而且挑战现有的例新方法刺激管理。The incumbent shall stimulate management by exploring new ways of doing things and challenging the existing paradigms.

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俸禄的表现形式一般为货币与实物,辅以叫土地和劳动力等,是官吏的主要生活来源。It determines the material cost and the efficiency often in the form of money salary and in kinds supplemented by land and labor.

所有的伊达部队都具有冲锋加成,可怕的野太刀武士携带双手剑,征募和俸禄的费用却相当低廉。All Date units have a charge bonus, and their fearsome no-dachi samurai, with two-handed swords, are cheap to recruit and maintain.

官营牧羊业不仅为政府提供了丰富的肉食,为皮毛加工业提供了必要的原料,还是官员俸禄的重要组成部分。Official sheep not only provided mutton and raw material for industry, but also was source of the wages for the government officials.

国王自己并没有给他们俸禄,而是恩准骑士向他们领地内的农民征收地租和其他赋税。Rather than pay them himself, the king granted the knights the right to collect rents and other tributes from farmers in their domain.

作为一种制度形成之后,逐渐成为各级官吏在法定俸禄之外获得财富与劳动力的一种方式。As a system, it became a means for such predecessors to accumulate wealth and acquire additional laborers in addition to their salaries.

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这样也好,十三爷还年轻,总不能老是在府里闲着,如今又有了差事,不也就多了一份俸禄吗?Is also good favor this, 13 Yes are still juvenile, always can not always carefree in the mansion, and had work ever since, not also many a salary?

我所以要提到那个地方,就因为我当初应该得到的一份牧师俸禄就在那儿。那是个非常好玩的地方!那所牧师住宅也好极了!各方面都适合我。I mention it, because it is the living which I ought to have had. A most delightful place! -- Excellent Parsonage House! It would have suited me in every respect.

从京官的资历、能力以及俸禄入手,可以考察清代官场中与制度并行的潜规则。The article will study the hidden rules in the Qing dynasty officialdom parallel with the national system in terms of the qualification, the salary and the ability.