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怎样治疗产后荨麻疹?How to treat postpartum urticaria?

她脸上和手上突然全发出了荨麻疹。Hives erupted all over her face and hands.

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非过敏原因的急性荨麻疹,包括。Non-allergic causes of acute urticaria include.

荨麻疹是最良性的形式过敏反应。Urticaria is the most benign form of anaphylaxis.

大部分的不良反应是不严重的荨麻疹类型的。Most of the reactions were mild and of the urticarial type.

导致荨麻疹的六淫病邪主要有风、寒、热、湿之邪。The main pathogenic factors were wind, cool, heat, dampness.

治疗取决于哪些类型的荨麻疹你。Treatment depends on which type or types of urticaria you have.

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有些过敏性休克病人会有荨麻疹或喘鸣。Some patients with anaphylactic shock have urticaria or wheezing.

赛庚啶可能有助于抑制经常性寒冷性荨麻疹。Cyproheptadine may be useful to suppress recurrent cold urticaria.

荨麻疹不能明确与抗组胺药,可帮助。Urticaria that fails to clear with antihistamines may be helped by.

难治例慢性荨麻疹,可改善与糖皮质类固醇。Refractory cases of chronic urticaria may improve with glucocorticosteroids.

鱿鱼是发物,患有湿疹、荨麻疹等疾病的人忌食。The squid is matter, eczema, urticaria and other diseases of the human diet.

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报道了12例玫瑰糠疹合并荨麻疹病例。This paper introduces 12 cases of pityriasis rosea complicated by urticaria.

瘙痒和季节性鼻炎,常年性过敏性鼻炎引起的荨麻疹。Itching and seasonal rhinitis, perennial allergic rhinitis induced urticaria.

谁知到吉林市哪里治疗顽固性荨麻疹治得好?Who knows to treat stubborn sex urticaria to be treated well Jilin city where?

输注丙种球蛋白的副作用大多很温和,包括轻微的头痛、皮疹或者荨麻疹。Most side effects are very modest and can include mild headache, rash or hives.

用于瘙痒和季节性鼻炎,常年性过敏性鼻炎引起的荨麻疹。Pruritus and urticaria caused by seasonal rhinitis, perennial allergic rhinitis.

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消风散具有明显的止痒和抗实验性荨麻疹作用。Xiaofengsan could obviously relieve itching, and resist experimental nettle rash.

过敏反应的结果,在荨麻疹,紧胸口,喘鸣,模糊和崩溃。Anaphylaxis results in urticaria, a tight chest, wheezing, faintness and collapse.

结论左西替利嗪治疗慢性荨麻疹安全有效。Conclusion Levocetirizine is an effective and safe agent for the treatment of CIU.