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你在板鸭很成功啊,我们都拜读了。You are very successful in Spain. We all read about it.

板鸭是湖南人的家常菜,尤其春节,是桌上必备菜式之一。Hunan dishes are the duck, especially the Spring Festival, is one of the dishes on their desks.

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由此那个南京的板鸭,盐水鸭,开始走向全国。From this that Nanjing's pressed salted duck, the salty wild duck, starts to move toward the nation.

南京板鸭加工过程中的肌肉蛋白降解对其特殊风味的形成具有重要意义。The processing proteolysis of Nanjing dry-salted duck plays an important role in the forming of its special flavor.

本发明涉及一种发酵板鸭及其制备工艺,属于食品工业领域。The invention relates to a fermented preserved duck and its preparation process, which belongs to the industrial field.

板鸭是经过老卤腌制过以后做熟的,吃起来口感都是比较紧密咸香。Pressed salted duck is the old salt brine had to do after the cooked food taste are relatively close together Xianxiang.

明清时南京就流传“古书院,琉璃塔,玄色缎子,咸板鸭”的民谣,可见南京板鸭早就声誉蜚然了。"Ancient academies, glazed pagodas, black satins and salted pressed ducks" indicating their wide-spread reputation long ago.

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红军医务组已经与板鸭队的相关人员进行联系以密切关注这名26岁前锋的近况。The Reds' medical team have been in contact with their Spanishcounterparts to keep them up to date on the 26-year-old's condition.

板鸭是中国特有传统肉制品,也是世界著名的腌腊肉制品,历史悠久、风味独特,在国内及东南亚地区享有很高的声誉。Dry-cured duck is a peculiarly traditional meat product of china, and also one of the most famous dry-cured meat products in the world.

本文以不同加工阶段南京板鸭的腿肌为研究对象,探索了加工过程中小肽和游离氨基酸的变化规律。Cured-dry duck samples of different processing phases were used to study the changes of peptides and free-amino acids by HPLC in this paper.

研究了板鸭生产过程中各工艺点样品肌肉中酸性脂肪酶、中性脂肪酶和磷脂酶活力的变化趋势。The changes of acid and neutral lipases activity, and phospholipase activity in the muscle of dry-cured duck during processing were studied.

板鸭是经过老卤腌制过以后做熟的,吃起来口感都是比较紧密咸香。The pressed salted duck will be passes through old halogen souse later to do ripe, will eat the feeling in the mouth is quite close salty fragrant.

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板鸭很被看好杀入淘汰赛阶段,而同组对手有洪都拉斯、智利和瑞士。The Spaniards' passage into the knockout stages appears to be a favourable one, with Honduras, Chile and Switzerland standing between them in Group H.

介绍了我国板鸭工业化生产的一般工艺,并对影响板鸭产品质量的各个关键因素进行了探讨归纳。General Technologies used in industrial production of different kinds of salted duck were introduced and critical quality control factors were discussed.

据说那个时候慈禧太后,每年都要到这个地方采购五百只盐水鸭和板鸭带回去。It is said at that time Empress Dowager Cixi, every year must arrive at this place to purchase 500 salty wild ducks and the pressed salted duck brings back.

是中国的脐橙、蜜桔、甜柚、蜜梨、板鸭、灰鹅、草菇白莲、毛竹、瑞香之乡。It is home of Chinese naval orange, sweet orange, sweet pear, pomelo, dried salty duck, grey goose, grass mushroom, white lotus, napped bamboo, winter daphne.

利用植物乳杆菌、戊糖片球菌、木糖葡萄球菌和变异微球菌混合发酵生产发酵型南安板鸭。Nan an pressed salted duck was fermented by co-fermentation of Lactobacillus plantarum, Pediococcus pentosaceus, Staphylococcus xylose and Micrococcus varians.

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选用农家放养的水鸭做成的板鸭皮薄肉嫩,骨脆可嚼,鸭肉所带的油丰满而不外漏,味纯且咸淡相宜。Selection of farm stocking made of teal duck tender thin, brittle bones can chew, but not plump duck brought the oil leakage, salty taste of pure and affordable.

选用农家放养的水鸭做成的板鸭皮薄肉嫩,骨脆可嚼,鸭肉所带的油丰满而不外漏,味纯且咸淡相宜。Selection of farm stocking made ​​of teal duck tender thin, brittle bones can chew, but not plump duck brought the oil leakage, salty taste of pure and affordable.

采用双冷凝器、双蒸发器热泵系统与低温催化燃烧降氧相结合方法,研制既可制冷也可制热并能降氧的板鸭干制设备。The heat pump system has been combined with CHTY-1O2 control device to form air-control drying equipment which could function heating, cooling and ajust air ingredient.