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世界级水平的室内乐演奏。World-class chamber music performance.

大约在一年前,我开始演奏室内乐。A year or so ago, I started to play chamber music.

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我也爱从室内乐的伙伴那里学习。I love learning, too, from my chamber music partners.

室内乐是为一小部分乐器而写的。Chamber music is written for a small group of instrument.

教授。室内乐及四重奏教练团主席。Professor, Head of Chair of chamber ensemble and quartet.

随后,有人邀请我浅尝一下室内乐。Then someone invited me round for a bit of chamber music.

古典部份中,常被挡在室内乐大门之外的低音提琴也有机会大展琴技。Alas, the double bass finally gets its stage in the chamber music.

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于是西方音乐史上才流传下如此多的室内乐、圆舞曲。So the history of Western music, handed down only so much chamber music, Waltz.

他的音乐创作内容丰富,形式多样,包括歌剧、交响乐、室内乐和浪漫曲等。His music styles are all kinds , including opera, sinfonia and romanza, and so on.

事实上,弹奏了一晚上的室内乐,想忘记那些音乐往往是很困难的。In fact, after an evening of chamber music, the difficulty is often letting the sounds go.

舒柏特在传统的室内乐中注入了自己的精神特性。Shu Bote injected into the chamber in the traditional spirit of their own characteristics.

1999年起,哈根成为萨尔茨堡莫扎特音乐学院的小提琴与室内乐教授。Since 1999 Lukas Hagen is Professor of Violin and Chamber music at the Mozarteum University in Salzburg.

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他的一部歌剧偶尔会被演出,但他在室内乐和交响乐领域成果最丰富。His one opera is occasionally performed, but he was at his best in the fields of chamber music and the symphony.

无疑地,哥本哈根三重奏组合已经登上了当代青年室内乐演奏团体的顶峰。Trio con Brio Copenhagen belongs unquestionably to the upper echelons of young chamber ensembles performing today.

莫扎特死时35岁,留下了600多篇作品,包括歌剧,室内乐作品和钢琴协奏曲。When he died aged 35, MOzart left behind more than 600 works, including operas, chamber works and piano concertos.

主要的创作作品有管弦乐、室内乐、独奏作品、电脑音乐、行事音乐和映像音乐等。His compositions include orchestral works, chamber music, solo works, computer music, acting music, image music, etc.

在体裁上主要涉及有合唱、钢琴独奏与重奏、室内乐以及管弦乐等形式。Involved in the genre are the main chorus, piano solo and ensemble, chamber music and orchestral music and other forms.

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室内乐般微妙的配器法体现了肖斯塔科维奇独特的作曲风格。The subtle orchestration The Chamber music-like subtle orchestration reflects Shostakovich's unique compositional style.

这种共同行为,就像是用弦乐四重奏演奏室内乐。These joint undertakings are like,well, you might think of them analogous to playing chamber music with a string quartet.

他的独奏,以及协奏和室内乐演出,都展示了他的音乐才能和高超的演奏技巧。His recitals, as well as concerto and chamber performances, are imbued with musicianship and pianism of the highest order.