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这三个年轻人好逸恶劳。These three youngsters loved ease and hated work.

我讨厌见到那些好逸恶劳的人。I hate to see those who like ease and dislike work.

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别让你的孩子养成好逸恶劳的习惯。Don't let your child develop a habit of an easy life.

好逸恶劳的她,是极度贪财的。She love leisure and hate labour, is extremely greedy.

公众经常误会综援人士好逸恶劳,其实我们都想工作,我们都要工作!The public usually thinks CSSA recipients are lazy. In fact, we want to work.

以免孩子羞成好逸恶劳的许多性格。In order to avoid the children shy love leisure and hate labour into many character.

人之所以缺乏毅力、勇气,是因为好逸恶劳、玩物丧志。A life of ease with no goal, all play will cause one to lose courage and determination.

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爱慕虚荣、好逸恶劳、心胸狭窄、缺乏理性是女性犯罪的个人原因。Admiring vanity, loving ease and hating work, easily getting excited are their own reasons for crime.

这个想法是,我们对社会有所贡献,而不只是围绕采摘雏菊和打飞盘好逸恶劳,四。The idea is that we are contributing something to society and not just lazing around picking daisies and playing Frisbee.

加拿大非常新的研究显示,该国富翁都患上了“富裕病”,担心子孙后代变得游手好闲、好逸恶劳。Canada's wealthiest citizens fear that their children will become lazy and squander the money they've earned, according to a study released this week.

另一种人他们好逸恶劳,稍微辛苦一点的事都拒绝承担,好吃懒做,最后一事无成。The other kind of people who are indolent. They refuse to undertake a little hard work, but like eating their heads off. At last, they attain nothing.

主动行乞者大多以乞讨为营利性职业,占乞讨群体中大多数,多是游手好闲、好逸恶劳的人,对这类人的行乞行为应予以强制性限制。Active beggars, taking a dominant place in the beggars, refer to begging as a career and most of them are lazy persons, who should be constricted compulsively.

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原因有很多,最主要的是一条,好逸恶劳得多一些,人生是没有捷径可走的,如果走错落,付出的也许是一生的代价!There are many reasons, the most important is a love leisure and hate labour, more life, there is no shortcut, if walk scattered, pay is perhaps the price of life!

近年来使用方便、内容详细、项目齐全、应有尽有的各类教学参考资料,虽使教学工作少了钻研的艰辛,但也滋长了教师好逸恶劳的习性。In recent years, user-friendly and detailed, project complete, contains references to the teaching, the teaching is less painstaking research, but also the growing trend of teachers habits.