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鼢鼠危害已制约当地造林工程的发展。The zokor harm has restricted the local development of afforestation project.

为探讨中华鼢鼠、甘肃鼢鼠和斯氏鼢鼠的分类地位,对它们牙齿釉质的超微结构做了分析比较。Microstructure of enamel in the common Chinese zokor , Gansu zokor and Smith′s zokor was compared here.

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但是人类和其他一些物种,像无毛的裸鼢鼠,由于在热带环境下生活皮毛在进化中消失了。But we and a few other species, such as naked mole rats, lost it when we lived in tropical environments.

这些与低氧相关基因的高表达是甘肃鼢鼠适应低氧环境的内因。High expression of thesegenes correlate to hypoxia is the intrinsic factor of the hypoxia adaptation of zokors.

林地鼢鼠种群是通过雌雄鼠的数量关系来调节种群繁殖。The population breeding was regulated by the quantitative relationships between female and male in the woodland.

本研究支持关于高原鼢鼠在自然条件下其消化道维持相对稳定的假设。This study supported the hypothesis that plateau zokor kept their gut capacity stable in the natural environment.

让我们将更多的资金投入到发展其他动物科学上,至少是与裸鼢鼠,狨猴,巨蟒相关,随便哪一个都可以。Let's invest more money into at least developing the science of the naked mole rat, the marmoset, the python — whatever.

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鼢鼠、达乌尔黄鼠、松鼠、田鼠和草兔等是各群落的共有种。Zokors, Mongolian ground squirrel, Squirrel, Cricetilus hamster, and Brown hare etc. are the mutual species in the every community.

距离隔离分析表明高原鼢鼠的遗传分化与地理距离呈正相关。Mantel test and regression analyses further confirmed that genetic differentiation is positively correlated with the geographic distance.

鼢鼠的食性、栖息地选择和危害方式的研究表明,鼢鼠喜居于坡位较低、土壤松软湿润且有一定食物资源的地方。Detailed studies of Zokor on its food habit, habitat preference and damage ways showed that soft and moist soils with abundance food are Zokor's favorite factors.

退耕林地啮齿动物群落保持了原农田群落的特点,其桥山林区的群落优势种是甘肃鼢鼠,而吴旗林区退耕林地为中华鼢鼠。The forest community returned from farmland retained the characteristics of original farmland. Its dominant species was Gansu zokor in Qiaoshan, and Chinese zokor in Wuqi.

在中华鼢鼠的牙齿釉质中有许多彼此平行的纵行管道,但在甘肃鼢鼠和斯氏鼢鼠中未发现这种管道。There are many tunnels in the enamel of the common Chinese zokor , and these tunnels are parallel to each other, while the tunnel was not found in Smith′s zokor or Gansu zokor.

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甘肃鼢鼠是一种严格营地下生活的啮齿类动物,它所生活的密闭洞道环境使其遭受多重生存压力,低氧即为其中之一。Myospalax cansus is a subterranean rodents. It has to be faced with multiple pressures of survival due to living in the confined tunnel environment, and hypoxia is one of the pressures.

用空间序列代替时间序列的方法对高寒草甸不同演替阶段高原鼢鼠土丘植物群落的物种组成和多样性变化进行了研究。Using an approach of spatial sequence instead of temporal sequence, this paper studied the composition and diversity of plant species on zokor-mound along a successional gradient in alpine meadow.