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谁说过我们穷的滴沥耷拉?So whoever said we were poor?

她的帽子耷拉到脸颊。Her hat slouched down to her cheek.

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脱脱耷拉着耳朵,走开了。Tuotuo flapped ears and walked away.

主帆耷拉着,像一面旗帜。The main-sail hung drooped like a banner.

他颓唐地坐在椅中,耷拉着脑袋。He sat slumped in his chair with his head down.

我耷拉在附近一把椅子上看着这一切。I slouched in a nearby chair and saw all of it.

一只狗耷拉着耳朵,夹着尾巴在下面一瘸一拐地走。A dog limped below, ears flat, tail between its legs.

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当他们抬着他经过我的时候,他的腿耷拉在外面。His legs were sticking out as they carried him past me.

它两耳耷拉着,大得能盖住半边脸。Its ears hung down , big enough to cover half its face.

她两眼昏花,耷拉着脑袋坐在椅子里。Her eyes are dim, sitting in a chair with his head down.

慢着,从他口袋里耷拉下来的是撬锁的工具吗?Hey, is that a lockpicking set dangling out of his pocket?

“他太让我失望了,”吉米对着姗蒂耷拉的耳朵自言自语。"He let me down," Jimmy murmured into the dog's floppy ear.

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最可怕的是他的样子,因为牙齿掉了,所以舌头耷拉在一边。His tongue simply hangs to the side because he's missing teeth.

它的脊鳍向下耷拉着,巨大的胸鳍大张着。His dorsal fin was down and his huge pectorals were spread wide.

它的脊鳍朝下耷拉着,巨大的胸鳍大张着。His dorsal fin was down and his huge pectorals were spread wide.

耳朵象猎犬那样耷拉着或半立耳都属于失格。Ears hanging as on a hound, or semi-prick ears are disqualifications.

“他太让我失望了,”吉米对着姗蒂耷拉的耳朵自言自语。"He let me down," Jimmy murmured into the dog's floppy ear. "I promised.

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我通常有一幅大大的耷拉的耳朵,有时也可能又小又短。I often have large floppy ears, although they can be small and short too.

他们路过了一些看起来已经废弃,耷拉着连接陆地的跳板。Some of the ships they passed appeared deserted, their gangplanks drawn up.

好多天来,它总耷拉着脑袋在空荡荡的鸡场上发闷,也提不起精神来啼叫了。For days he had drooped about the empty chicken run, too dispirited to crow.