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将酸梅及片糖酿入乳鸽内。Fill baby pigeon with pickled plums and brown sugar.

压烂梅子,拌入其馀酸梅汁材料及姜茸。Mash pickled plums, mix well with remaining seasoning and chopped ginger.

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我们可以去喝一碗鱼丸汤,然后用酸梅汁将它消化掉。We could go get a bowl of fish balls and wash it down with a sour plum drink.

无疑此前的奥斯卡提名将使得他不会参加今年的金酸梅。Doubtless a prior engagement will prevent him from attending the Razzies this year.

金酸梅奖,正如大家所“挚爱”的那样,向电影业最差的成就喝彩。The Razzies, as they are affectionately known, salute the worst achievements in film.

其他口味包括绿茶、生姜、酸梅、芝麻、山葵、丁香、豆蔻和南瓜等。Other flavors are green tea, ginger, sour plum, sesame, wasabi, clove, cardamom and pumpkin.

医生告诉查尔斯每天喝一大杯酸梅汁能改善便秘。The doctor told Charles to drink a large glass of prune juice every day to help his constipation.

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另外,前来光顾的顾客可尝试桔仔酸梅、沙梨酸梅、菊花以及罗汉果。Besides, you also can try the sour plum lime juice, hog plum juice, chrysanthemums and herbal tea.

在慵懒的夏日午后,喝一杯酸梅汁,翻几页绘本。In the lazy summer afternoon, drinking a glass of plum juice, turning a few pages of picture books.

佐以烤鸭配奶油甘薯、小白菜及酸梅无以尚之。A perfect choice with Roast Duck on Creamed Golden Kumara, with Baby Bok Choy & Jus of Pickled Plums.

她的电影反应平平,07年的“失足”让她拿了三个金酸梅奖最差女演员的提名。Her movies fared none too well, following 2007 missteps that got her three Razzie Worst Actress nominations.

饮料方面也有自制的酸梅柠檬吉子冰和柠檬吉子冰等等。In addition, the restaurant is also selling self-made Iced Sour Plum Lemon Kat Chai, Iced Lemon Kat Chai etc.

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炸猪排夹配火腿芝士馅,配欧芹土豆和酸梅酱,配小份沙拉。"Cordon bleu"-with ham and cheese stuffed escalope of pork, served with parsley potatoes, cranberries and a small salad.

以杏干、酸梅、红枣和葡萄干为原材料,按照合适的比例浸泡,提取浸提液研制干果复合饮料。The research on Xinjiang dried fruit compound beverage by using the extraction of dried apricot, plum, jujube and raisins.

丰富成熟的樱桃香气和特点,酸梅,巧克力和香料衬托出轮廓清晰而紧凑的单宁。Rich, ripe aromas and flavours of kirsch, dark plum, chocolate and spice are backed up by a chiselled structure and firm tannins.

你可以携带派或蛋糕,但酸梅酱、果酱、卤肉和其他液体的或凝胶状食物还是要遵从3.4盎司的限制的。You can bring through pies and cakes, though cranberry sauce, jams, gravy, and other liquid or jellied foods are restricted to 3.4 ounces.

获得金酸梅奖的演员和导演通常不到现场领奖,只有一个例外。The actors and directors who have been honoured with a Razzie have usually failed to turn up to collect the prize, with one notable exception.

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女性则偏向于喜欢吃蔬菜和水果,尤其是胡萝卜、西红柿、草莓、蓝莓、酸梅和苹果。Women instead were more likely to eat vegetables, especially carrots and tomatoes, and fruit, especially strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and apples.

与金酸梅类似,目前还有其他几种奖项,如最差性爱奖颁发给那些性爱描写骇人听闻的小说家。Alongside the Razzies now sit several awards including the Bad Sex prize for novelists deemed to have enscribed the most appalling descriptions of lovemaking.

在感恩节那天,全家人会一起享用一顿丰盛的晚餐,包括火鸡、填塞物、甘薯、酸梅酱和南瓜派。Today the holiday traditionally revolves around sharing a hearty meal featuring such favorites as turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie.