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死得其所,流芳百世。The end makes all equal.

光荣之死,流芳百世。A fair death honour the whole life.

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莫扎特死了,但他的音乐流芳百世。Mozart is dead but his music lives on.

我打算挑起伟大而光荣的特洛伊战争,这场战争必将流芳百世。War of Troy that shall be famous to the end of time.

这位科学家的名字将流芳百世。The scientist's name will live on from generation to generation.

董存瑞作为一名人民英雄而流芳百世。As a people's hero, Dong Cunrui has a niche in the temple of fame.

他梦想成为一名建筑师,流芳百世。His dream was to be an architect and to leave his name in posterity.

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这使得迈克尔成为史上最伟大的艺术家流芳百世。It should ensure Michael goes down in history as the greatest artist of all time.

成千上万的人现在仍然排队等候着观看这些流芳百世或遗臭万年的人物的蜡像。Thousands of people still queue up to look at these portraits of the famous and the infamous.

形式是一只金瓶,思想之花插人其内,便可流芳百世。——法朗士。Form is a golden urn, the flower of thought people inside, can be a fair death honors the whole life.

我打算挑起伟大而光荣的特洛伊战争,这场战争必将流芳百世。It is in my mind to cause the great and glorious War of Troy that shall be famous to the end of time.

承受的人也会消逝,但他们仍然活着,死了也仍然活着,精神使他们流芳百世。Bear people will fade, but they are still alive, dead also still alive, spirit that they remain immortal.

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对了,年轻人就叫贝多芬,他后来写出了流芳百世的辉煌的音乐篇章。Yes, the young man is Beethoven, his pieces of music is so grateful that handed down the whole life forever.

我希望,这种类型的帮助和支持在数学发展史中流芳百世。I hope this type of help and support will be recorded and remembered in the history of mathematics development forever.

但是既然是“投资”,意味着它应该流芳百世。In the world market exist a plus products with low quality goods, but the same word "investment" mean an product that lasts.

时间的惟一作用是淘汰劣质书籍,因为文学著作中只有好书籍才能流芳百世。The only effect of time has been to sift out the bad products, for nothing in literature can long survive but what is really good.

从积极的一方面来看,红头发的人们还有一个世纪的时间在世界上盖下自己的印记,成为一个流芳百世的传奇。On the bright side, the redhead has almost a century left to make its mark in the world and become a legend that will live forever.

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那是一个每个编辑都卷起袖子,准备大干一场的时期,每个人都希望创造出流芳百世的文学作品的时期,多哈迪的传记则是对这个时期的一首颂歌。Mr Daugherty's biography is a eulogy for a time in book publishing when editors rolled up their sleeves and everyone aimed to create literature.

为了表示他对仙女未泯的爱情,他将月桂树作为他最喜爱的树种,并决定将它作为一种对荣誉与威望的奖励,把它授予那些永恒的诗人和流芳百世的诗。To show his undying love for the maiden, he decided that the laurel would be his favorite tree and should be the prize for deathless poets and poetry.

您们建设共和国的热情和对有难同胞的真情是永恒、流芳百世的!You have the enthusiasm and the Republic of the building is difficult for the true feelings of compatriots is eternal, leave a good name for a hundred generations!