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他提出了非常充分的提价理由。He put a well-reasoned case for increasing the prices.

再不允许商店想什么时候提价就提价了。Shops are no longer allowed to push up their prices whenever they want.

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而提价可以进行管理以便不让那些最穷的国家处在不利的位置。And price rises can be managed so that they do not penalise the poorest.

耐克及鞋品牌史蒂夫.麦登也正计划提价。Penney Co. , Nike and designer shoe seller Steve Madden also plan increases.

该政府赶紧收回成命,撤消了业已宣布的食品提价。The government beat a retreat, canceling the announced rises in food prices.

提价使万宝路的价格从5土耳其里拉增加到7里拉。The price hike brings the price of Marlboros to 7 Turkish Liras from 5 liras.

难道今天光临这里只有她一个人识货吗?谁肯提价到6英镑?Is she the only person with any taste here today?Who is going to raise it to£6?

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店主会不会因未得到政府许可提价而被起诉?。Will storekeepers be prosecuted for raising prices without government permission?

他说这样的女孩现在很难找,所以要对这些征婚者提价。He says such women are now harder to find, so he bumps up his fees for some searches.

当天开始生效的这一提价,包含了灰熊、科迪亚克岛和骆驼浸烟等产品。The increase, which went into effect yesterday, covers Grizzly, Kodiak and Camel Dip.

西南航空和大陆航空的发言人都表明他没并没有实施提价。Spokespersons for Southwest and Continental both said they had not added the surcharge.

而在中档电脑方面,一些电脑生产商也在提价,或至保持了价格稳定。And in the midrange, some PC makers are raising prices, or at least keeping them steady.

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我现在可以不去涨价,但是,我随时都可以涨价,我现在先把这个公司买下来,买下后我再去提价。I have the right of keeping the price now, but I can raise the price whenever I want to.

2011年7月,网飞向所有用户宣布了一项大幅提价计划。Netflix announced a whopper of a price increase to all of its customers in July of 2011.

香港公司出售制成品给T有限公司时不会提价。No mark-up would be charged for the sale of finished goods from the HK Company to T Ltd.

实际上,峨眉山索道提价的传闻,去年春天就已经在坊间流传。In fact, hearsay Mt. Emei Cableways price, last spring has been circulating in the market.

轮番提价势必影响经济和社会稳定,搞得人心惶惶。The stability of the economy and society would surely be affected, leaving people haunted.

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秦玉峰表示,从目前掌握的情况看,最近一段时间阿胶块的销售并没有因为提价而受到明显影响。Besides, up till now, the price lifting of gelatin piece incurs no obvious impact on its sales.

Hanesbrands今年已经提价,并计划于第四季度再次提价。Hanesbrands has raised prices already this year and plans to do so again in the fourth quarter.

巨额的需求和众多的小厂家为三大矿商的提价提供了完美的铺垫。Huge demand and numerous small players are a perfect setup for the big three to increase prices.