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请你在空暇时间做一下。Please do it at your leisure.

没空暇时间旅游松弛身心?Don't have the time to travel and relax?

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请在空暇时细读这篇报道。Please peruse this report at your leisure.

只有明智的人才能合理使用空暇时间。None but a wise man can employ leisure well.

亚瑟努力阅读,几乎没有空暇。Arthur was reading hard and had little spare time.

她花了几多空暇时间看电视机。She spends much of her leisure time watchellong TV.

弹钢琴是我空暇时间的另一大爱好。Playing piano is another hobby during my spare time.

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如您在百忙之中有点空暇,能否接受我的拜访?If your busy schedule a bit spare, can receive my call?

在空暇时,我会看电视剧以及学习民族舞。In my spare time, I watch TV series and learn folk dance.

所以如果你也这样打发自己的空暇时间的话,我很高兴你跟我一样。So if that’s how you use your freed time, I’m jumping with joy.

恩,还可以,就是这一段时间来学时很忙碌,都没有空暇的时间。During this period I'm busy in studying, and I have no time for fun.

有许多事要花时间去做,简直没有空暇。There"re so many demands on my time that I have very little leisure."

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看一下那些在你活动和约会之间的空暇的时间。Look at the pockets of available time between activities or appointments.

当你有空暇的时候,你可以帮忙擦擦桌子或洗洗盘子。但是…When you've had plenty, you might offer to clear the table or wash the dishes.

空暇界定美国现代风格,他的一生作了主义陈词滥调。His spare style defined American modernism, and his life made machismo a cliché.

但出于专业课的需要,我还是利用空暇的时间一点一点地把它看完。However, the need for specialized courses, I still uses his spare time to read it bit by bit.

你必须意识到那些横幅等东西都是歌迷们利用他们自己的空暇时间去设计和做出来的。You have to imagine that they take their free time and decide to use it to make signs and thing.

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如果你每星期都花费时间清理房子,看看你是否能适当的少做一些,这样就会有更多的空暇时间了。If you spend hours each week cleaning house, see if you can do a little less and have more free time.

夏宇飞称,智慧的求职者首先要表明,如果必要,他们愿意为了工作牺牲空暇时间。"Wise jobseekers will first make it clear that they are willing to sacrifice their spare time for work if necessary" said Xia.

夏宇飞称,聪明的求职者首先要表明,如果必要,他们愿意为了工作牺牲空暇时间。"Wise jobseekers will first make it clear that they are willing to sacrifice their spare time for work if necessary, " said Xia.