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第一百六十一条买受人应当按照约定的时间支付价款。The buyer shall pay the price at the prescribed time.

第一百六十一条买受人应当按照约定的时间支付价款。The buyer shall pay the price at the prescribed place.

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第一百五十九条买受人应当按照约定的数额支付价款。The buyer shall pay the price in the prescribed amount.

为了结算这张发票价款,请即送下支票为荷。May we have your check in settlement of this invoice-soon?

第一百六十一条买受人应当按照约定的时间支付价款。Article 161 The buyer shall effect the payment at the agreed time.

第一百六十条买受人应当按照约定的地点支付价款。Article 160 The buyer shall effect the payment at the agreed place.

那些赊帐购物的人,得支付他们所应分担的这笔加码的价款。Those who pay for what they buy upon Credit, pay their Share of this Advance.

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乐普科的服务将按照达成的价款予以偿付。The services by LPKF will be compensated according to the agreements as concluded.

凡出售商品或产品,因给予顾客让价而未能获得之销货价款皆属之。A contra revenue account for reduction in the selling price of goods or products sold.

第一百五十九条买受人应当按照约定的数额支付价款。Article 159 The buyer shall effect the payment in accordance with the contracted price.

发包人只在欠付工程价款范围内对实际施工人承担责任。The employer shall be liable to the actual builder within the scope of outstanding project prices.

外商在付清全部转让价款十二个月后,可再转让其所购股份。Foreign investors may re-transfer their acquired shares 12 months after the transfer price is paid up.

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股利是公司基于利润的分配而支付给资产股东的价款。Dividends are payments by the corporation to equity shareholders based on an apportionment of earnings.

我们同意用我们的加工费来分期支付设备和技术的价款。We agree to pay for the equipment and technology by installments with the processing fees payable to us.

一次付清房价款的在付款日以后一年内只能支取一次。In case of lump-sum payment, he may draw only once from the Housing Fund within one year after the payment.

工程竣工结算,是施工企业向建设单位收取工程价款的依据。Completion of the project, clearing, building construction enterprises to collect projects unit price basis.

在客户收到上述交易价款之前或同时,客户向律师支付顾问费。The client should pay consultant fee to the lawyer before or when he receives the deal payment mentioned above.

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受让方的主要义务是,按照合同约定向转让方支付约定的价款。The principal obligations of the transferee are to pay the agreed amount of price in accordance with the contract.

债务人履行债务后,定金应当抵作价款或者收回。After the debtor has discharged his debt, the deposit shall either be retained as partial payment of the debt or be returned.

该地块并非“零地价”出让,也并非出让成交价款的96.25%全部返还给了高骏公司。The plot is not a "zero premium" to sell, sell is not closing price of 96.25 percent total return to the high-Chun companies.