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这个指标偏低。The target is on the low side.

一个更好的血糖检测指标。A better index of overall glycemia.

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四个指标都异常的低。All four of them are off-scale low.

指标和声光报警。Audible and visual indicator alarm.

怎样将上述指标应用于规划环评中?How to use the indicators in the PEIA?

多指标建模与预测。Multi -index modelling and prediction.

确立了人体舒适度指标体系。The body comfort index is established.

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各校调整学杂费之核算指标。The schools shall adjust tuition fees.

完成生产指标不成问题。We will fulfil the quota without fail.

主要股指标也有所下降。Broader stock indicators also declined.

其他的指标也显示这一趋势。Other indicators point to the same trend.

我们可以将其称之为送奶工指标。We might call this the Milkman Indicator.

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指标权重的确定采用了特尔斐法和层次分析法。Weight of index is made by AHP and Delphi.

①血液流变学诸项指标。Index signs of the blood's flow and change.

存续期是衡量利率风险的一个指标.Duration is a measure of interest-rate risk.

福布斯传媒也满足了放款方规定的财务指标。Forbes met the stipulated financial targets.

多年来已有数以千计的指标来去匆匆。Over the years thousands have come and gone.

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基础平衡是一个二合一的指标。The basic balance is a two-in-one indicator.

似系数根据施凯维奇“属似性指标”算算。FD. Szymkiewicz′ s similarity index of genus.

它可作为ACS严重程度的监测指标。IL-10 may acts as indicators of ACS severity.