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不要哭,笑笑就好。Don't cry, laugh is good.

一起说说笑笑。Laughing with me together.

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你夸奖他时他总是笑笑。He smiles when you praise him.

对其他同事说说笑笑的。Say josh laugh to other staff.

她只是笑笑,却没回答。She just laughed and didn't reply.

对笑笑羊来说每一天都是一场探险。Every day brings an adventure for Shaun.

我喜欢看看小漫画什么的来笑笑。I like the geeky comic xkcd for a quick smile.

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他心照不宣地笑笑,然后又返回到他的书上。He smiled knowingly, and went back to his book.

面对我的无理取闹,你不再只是笑笑。I face the vexatious, you no longer just smile.

她每次看见我都冲我热情地笑笑。She gives me a big smile every time she sees me.

我笑笑,但显然这份礼物没有达到预期效果。I laughed but it was clear the gift had misfired.

我终于看到有趣之处了,现在我能一直笑笑笑了!Now I see the funny side. Now I'm always smiling!

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福斯特警官笑笑,他的脸却又变红了。Sergeant Foster laughed but his face went red again.

她是个很活跃的女孩子,总是说说笑笑的。She is a very lively girl, always talking and smiling.

在白天多笑笑会让你晚上睡眠更好。Laughing during the day makes you sleep better at night.

他们只是更难为情地,神情紧张地笑笑但是却没有给出明确答复。More squirming and nervous giggles, but no clear answers.

学生们说说笑笑地走出教室。Laughing and talking, the students went out the classroom.

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她一会儿望望吉英,一会儿笑笑,一会儿摇摇头。She looked at Jane, and smiled and shook her head by turns.

姑娘只是笑笑,跑出去继续端盘子。The girl only laughed and ran off to fetch some more dishes.

这些学生说说笑笑的走进教室。The students walked into the classroom, talking and laughing.