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被称为“不走运的天才打手”。Talent goon who is not in luck by named.

好的,请你回去再做一个打手出界旗示。Ok, please go back and repeat the flag signal.

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他和他那帮打手神气活现地走出了那间酒吧。He with his hatchet men swaggered out of the bar.

杰克过去总是在基督教青年会观看马文打手球。Jack used to see Marvin playing handball at the Y.

你们打半场打手犯规罚球吗?Do you have free throw for hacking in half-court game?

他们就向他父亲打手式,问他要叫这孩子什么名字。And they made signs to his father, how he would have him called.

就在这时,莎雯和她的打手们开始袭击斯卢姆波尔的住宅。Just then Savan and her enforcers began storming Thrumble's compound.

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很多的人怕他,只有很少的人喜欢他,他是众所周知的尼克松总统的“打手”。Feared by many and liked by few, Colson was known as Nixon's "hatchet man."

他的助理兼主要打手古丽就是这些极品中最引人注目的例子之一。His lieutenant and chief enforcer Guri is a compelling example of said taste.

——从短期来看,是有效果,打手心、打屁股可以立即纠正孩子的错误行为。You can correct immediate misbehavior with a slap or two on the rear-end or hand.

它是一个观光的好地方。你可以踢足球,打手球。It is a real nice place to come visit. You can play soccer, you can play handball.

赫特人贾巴雇佣这些弱智的加莫人充当打手和保镖。Jabba the Hutt was known to use dim-witted Gamorreans as enforcers and bodyguards.

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此案中其他几名“打手”也分别因犯聚众斗殴罪被判刑。The case in several other "thugs" were also found guilty of affray and was sentenced.

贾巴的打手无法与绝地武士领导的顽强义军相匹敌。Jabba's enforcers were no match for a group of determined Rebels led by a Jedi Knight.

尼罗虽然是个强壮而有能力的打手,但它实际上是个平庸的军事领袖。Though strong and a capable brawler , in truth , Nilo was a lackluster military leader.

这是由于莫雷蒂处事谨慎,在自己与那些执行他命令的打手之间设置了层层防线。There were too many careful layers between Moretti and those who carried out his orders.

打手可以通过贿赂,偷偷的、黑客或使用您的名人权利。Bouncers can be passed by bribing, sneaking in, hacking or by using your celebrity status.

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他是个优秀的打手,但我们将不会和他正面对攻的。He's a good puncher but we're not going to stand in front of this guy and exchange with him.

还有一次,窦马利派他的主要射手和几个打手去伏击地老鼠。Another time, Tou Mali sent his chief gunmen with a couple of henchmen to ambush the Field Mouse.

司机们可以给咱们打手机,表白自己地点的位置,然后咱们的快递员会滑速度轮滑将食物投递。Drivers call and tell us where they are, and our dispatchers will roller-skate their food to them.