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你说,我是一个恋旧的人,今天,就让我深深的怀恋一次。You say, I am a nostalgia person, today, let me once a deep nostalgia.

怀旧人老恋旧事,喜欢追忆过去的美好时光。Nostalgia nostalgic old people things, like recalling the good old days.

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着重论述遗老恋旧情结的种种表现、形成的原因以及产生的影响。They express a kind of irritable psychology and be cause they expected the lest dynasty.

安静了好久,我不想保留,那些烂借口,别再对我说你很恋旧。Quiet for a long time, I do not want to keep those bad excuse, do not say you're my nostalgia.

当前下岗职工普遍存在着理性上的自我困惑、价值上的自我否定、精神上的自我疲软、就业上的等靠要、择业上的恋旧和高期望心理。Nowadays the unemployed workers are at a loss in the logos, and self-denied in social value, and self-exhausted in spirits.

人常常都是这么误会自己的,以为自己恋旧,以为自己长情,其实都不过是现在过的不好而已。People are often so misunderstanding oneself, think oneself, think oneself long sentiment, actually all is but too bad now.

赵宁是个恋旧的人,比如他至今还在用着一个神州行号码,那是他的第一个手机号码。Zhao Ning is nostalgia and people, such as he is still using the one Shenzhouxing number, it is his first mobile phone number.

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当你观看地图的时候,常常牵引起各种回忆,可能是恋旧的,也可是因为融入自身的体验,甚至想像与憧憬,喂养自己想要的记忆。Looking at a map triggers that memory. We can be nostalgic looking at a map or excited at the prospect of adding experiences to feed our memory.

除了方便和划算,踢腿健身同样也-就像摇滚复兴和染色领带-迎合了恋旧者的品味。Beyond convenience and economy, the retro fitness kick may also — like the revival of Pop Rocks and tie-dye — appeal to a taste for boomer nostalgia.

但是抛开所谓的“小偷”身份,他是个十分恋旧十分传统的人,亲情、友情在他心中都有沉甸甸的分量。But cast so called " thief " the identity, he is very love old very traditional person, close affection, friendship has the weight of heavy in his heart.