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很了解彼此,一起长大。We grew up together.

会彼此相爱,会心生恐惧We love. We're afraid.

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那些男孩彼此很要好。The boys are very pally.

我们的爸爸们认识彼此。Our dads know each other.

他们会冲着彼此大叫。They shout at each other.

他们兄弟俩彼此大叫呼喊。They shout to each other.

我们需要与万籁的萧声彼此唱和。We need to sing with. sL.

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我们彼此了解。We understand each other.

让我们彼此关怀、共享喜悦。Let us share in joy &care.

给彼此一点空间。Leave a space to eachother.

明明知道彼此都不想要变这样的…Don't even know what happen.

就像他们彼此承诺的那样?Iike they promise each other?

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咱们不要再彼此玩花样。Let's not play games anymore.

不过,只要彼此互相迁就,还是能相处得不错。With compromise, it can work.

但是他们还拥有彼此。But they still had each other.

让我们彼此坦诚相见吧。Let's be open with each other.

彼此面对,轻拍桌子。Face each other. Tap the table.

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愿我们彼此永不相忘。May we never forget each other.

我们为彼此的健康干杯。We toasted each other's health.

也许它们彼此看不顺眼。Maybe they don't see eye to eye.